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Chapter 95 | The Epilogue (NOOOOOO)


9 years later...

"You still not ready yet Mrs Miller?"

I gaze up to meet Lucas' eyes in the mirror, pausing with straightening out my dress. I quirk an eyebrow as I watch him trail his gaze down my body before a satisfied smile pulls at his lips.

"I'm not quite a Miller or a Mrs yet I'm afraid," I return, with a little shake of my head.

My response only causes the smile on his lips to widen. Lucas lifts off from where he's leaning against the doorframe and crosses the room to come and stand behind me. His fingers lightly trail down my arms before he envelopes my midsection, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Soon enough you will be anyways."

"Hm I don't know," I tease, resting one of my hands on top of his , "I thought you were going to change your name to Quintero. Lucas Quintero has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

He nods against me, smiling and pressing another kiss against my bare shoulder. "It does."

A quiet sigh pushes past my lips as Lucas continues trailing featherlight kisses up my shoulder to my neck and stopping at the sensitive patch of skin beneath my ear. I take in our reflections in the mirror in front of us as he does so; Lucas with his soft hair and striking hazel eyes, the strong lines of his jaw and cheekbones, his tall frame and masculine build. Me with my tan skin and long, dark hair, my large brown eyes, the beauty spot on my cheek and my shorter, curvier body - we contrast each other so much yet match together so well.

"You look so beautiful," Lucas murmurs, his fingers twiddling the ends of my curled hair.

The corner of my mouth lifts into a soft smile. "I know," I reply, turning around so that we're face to face, "so do you."

Lucas leans forward and tries to kiss me but I inch my head away, stopping him with my fingers to his lips.

"No kissing, you'll ruin my makeup."

He pulls back slightly, pouting. "Can't you re apply."

I shake my head. "Mia put me under very strict instructions not to do anything that would ruin my makeup, it took her hours to transform my entire face into this," I wave a hand in front of my face for emphasis.

"Just one kiss, please."

I shake my head. "No, sorry amor."

His pout deepens. "C'mon baby, please. Just one."

I wrinkle my nose.

Lucas throws me another look.

I cave in with a resigned sigh.

"Alright," I cup his cheek with my left hand, the sun streaming through the window catching on the diamond on my ring finger.

Despite being in heels, Lucas still continues to tower over me, so I get on my tiptoes as he bows his head and inch my lips closer to his. I give him a quick peck on the mouth and attempt to pull away but of course, Lucas being Lucas, guides me back to his lips with his palm on my nape before I even get to create a slither of distance between us. He slips his tongue into my mouth and all is lost in the world - I don't try to pull away again, Lucas' kisses are like dynamite.

I keep my hands cupped to his face so that I don't mess up his neatly styled hair and Lucas holds me in place by keeping one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my waist. His tongue is soft and caressing against mine and we continue kissing until there's a large clang and then a shout and both Lucas and I prise away from each other in surprise like we're on fire.

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