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Chapter 44 | Trent is a bastard bitch


The Lakeside Lions bask in victory Friday morning as they stroll through the halls, revelling in success and taking in all the congratulatory cheers being thrown their way.

Aidan, leading the team, through the halls, salutes Grace, Mia and I as he stalks past causing Grace to turn an un-natural shade of pink.

"Oh God," Grace breaths, fanning herself and leaning against the lockers. The way she's reacting you would think Aidan was an A-list celebrity and not her boyfriend of nearly two months and the boy we had grown up since we were toddlers.

"I knew they were going to win," Mia says, her voice husky and barely above a whisper. From all the screaming yesterday it's no surprise her voice has completely vanished.

Yesterday's game had been tense, the McKenneck Meercats and our team had been tied for majority of the game until the very last quarter where Timmy had managed to score a field goal, which allowed our team to pass the Meercats by just 3 points. The crowds had erupted into a fit of cheers and defeaning screams, food and banners had been thrown into the air as the speakers announced our win of the championships and now, the day after, the entire school was celebrating in victory.

The student body were all collectively wearing the team colours as the Lions wore their uniforms and Timmy walked around with a little plastic crown balancing on his brown curls.

"This team is the best they've had in 3 years," Mia basically mouths at this point and I nod in agreement, my eyes trained on the rest of the team as they stalk past us, my gaze lingering slightly on Lucas who is smiling so hard his dimples are almost two deep holes in the sides of his cheeks.

The last five days with him had been...odd to say the least. He had been over at my house nearly everyday after training, eating dinner with my family and playing with Sofia. Although it bugged me slightly, my mom and abuela had no objections, if fact, they were the ones continually encouraging Lucas to come over as often as he could. I had a strong feeling my grandmother had told my mom that Lucas and I were dating or something along those lines because after any interaction I had with the boy, her eyes would be twinkling and her mouth would be curled into a sly grin. I needed to have a word with her when I had the chance.

My need to jump his bones was slowly dying down...I guess. I had started my period yesterday which placed the last five days and my raging hormones into perspective. I was always horny near the time of my period and this conclusion allowed me to relax more when around Lucas which was a good thing, I hated constantly being on edge around the guy, it made me be rude and just frankly do weird fucking things.

Yesterday night after the game, Lucas had for once gone home and today the team and Coach would be going out for a celebratory meal which meant I would have a little peace and quiet in the evening finally.

"A huge congratulations to our very own Lakeside Lions on winning the championship!"

The booming voice of the announcement breaks me out of my stance and I join the rest of the student body in screaming congratulations to the team.

Mia, Grace and I continue standing outside our lockers and talking for a while until the second bell goes signalling that it's time to head to home room.

The hallway filled to the brim with people, seemingly more packed than usual, is a huge struggle to pass through and I latch into Mia and Grace for dear life as Grace pummels her way through the crowd, trying to get Mia and I safely to our forms.

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