Beltane and Babies

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"Remember, everyone, your essay on the history of Beltane is due once you get back," Mr Rainey called as they began to pack up, "Five paragraphs: intro, three body, and a conclusion. If you've been paying attention in class, you'll be fine."

I prefer Binns, Lilli thought wryly, Least then I didn't have to do anything.

"So how do you celebrate Beltane in England?" Pierce, one of Lilli's new friends, turned so he was walking backwards beside her.

"You're going to get hurt," Lilli said, "And we don't. Most magic folk don't do religion at home. The muggleborns and half-bloods might be whatever they were raised as, but that's it."

"Lame— Ow!" Pierce rubbed his head, having collided with one of the columns that lined the hall, "Motherfu—"

"I warned you," she said, laughing at him. He stuck his tongue out at her, shaking pink hair from his face. A sense of homesickness filled her chest. She hadn't had word from anyone at home in months, except for Potterwatch.

"Lia!" Someone crashed into her, causing Lilli to squeak. Pierce laughed, walking away. The girl glanced over her shoulder.

"You okay, Rey?" Lilli steadied her, lifting her eyebrows. Reyna looked back at her.

"Ex is following me," she panted, "Cornered me, tried to get back together. Told her I had a new girlfriend... Doesn't believe me."

Lilli laughed at her, looking behind Reyna. A blonde girl was watching them from the corner. Creepy.

"She the blonde over there? With the navy headband?" 

Reyna nodded, "Do me a favour?"

"Anything." Lilli was suddenly very aware of how close they were, her hands still holding her forearms. Her heart slowed when Reyna leaned down, her forehead resting against Lilli's. Hazel met dark brown.

"You okay?" Reyna's breath smelled of coffee, "You're about as red as your hair."

"I'm fine," Lilli lied, her face flushing brighter. 

Reyna chuckled, her eyes flicking down and back up, "Hey, Lia?"


"Don't hate me for this." She closed the gap between them, her lips capturing Lilli's. Her heart thundered in her chest. Oh, fuck.


Lilli stepped onto the tarmac, squinting up into an unfairly bright sky. Andy just laughed at her, leading her into the terminal. 

"Tired?" Andy kept one hand on Lilli's shoulder so they didn't get separated as they made their way through the airport.

"Some of us can't sleep thousands of feet above the Atlantic," Lilli grumbled, rubbing tired eyes. Over 3,700 miles away from Michigan. Ten hours of flying. How many months had she wished to be here, back home in London? And now here she was, exhausted and confused as Andy led her into an empty corner of the parking structure.

"Oh, hush, kiddo. I want to see my grandchild." Lilli took her arm.

"You've already seen him! I want to see my godson!" Andy's laugh was the last thing she heard as they disapparated.

They reappeared outside Andy's house, a couple hundred yards away. The wards kept them from apparating any closer. Lilli glanced around as they went up the path. Excepting the night of Bill and Fleur's wedding, she had never seen the older witch's house. 

The flagstone path was lined with chrysanthemums and narcissus, their colours glowing in the sunlight. Lilli saw Andy smile sadly at the sight of the cheerful yellow flowers.

"Mum! Ellie!" Tonks called, a wide grin on her face as she dashed from the house, only to skid to a stop in front of them, "Wait. Mum, what did I do when I was seven?"

Andy laughed, "Took on the likeness of your father's great aunt in order to reach the freezer."

The pink-haired witch brightened, hugging her mum before turning to Lilli, "What story did you tell Sirius the night Harry arrived at Grimmauld Place?"

"Uhh..." Lilli had to think for a moment, "Oh! How when I was five, Aunt Thia tried to use Sleekeazy's in my hair and turned it rainbow."

She was subjected to Tonks' bear hug as well, which she returned. "Sorry about that, but Rem insists on it with everyone."

"Where is my son-in-law?" Andy asked, following her daughter into the house. Lilli trailed behind, letting the door close behind her with a click.

"He fell asleep with Teddy," Tonks laughed, "I let him since he insists on taking the night feedings. In here."

Tonks led them into the sitting room, where Lilli giggled at the sight of her uncle sprawled in a too-small armchair, a cradle beside him. It rocked gently from side to side, a soft cooing coming from it as Tonks leaned over. She cooed back, grinning.

"Let's go in the kitchen. He needs to sleep." Once Lilli had sat down, Tonks handed her a bundle of green blankets. Her eyes went wide, shifting her grip on the child. "Ellie, meet your godson, Teddy."

He looked up at her, his hair flashing red, and Lilli's heart melted, "Well, looks like a new little Metamorphmagus, huh?"

She tickled him beneath the chin, making him scrunch his face together. Tonks laughed, watching the two, "He likes to colour his hair with the person holding him. It's fun to see him try to keep up with me." Andy chuckled, taking a picture of them with a polaroid camera.

"Cute as a button, the pair of you." Someone leaned over her, kissing her forehead, "Hello, Ellie."

"Uncle Moony!" She grinned up at him, "Have a nice nap?"

"Glorious, little light," he ruffled her hair, settling around the table with the rest of them, "I never appreciated sleep this much!"

Lilli laughed, looking down at Teddy as he grasped her finger, "Such a tight grip!" He gurgled a little. She made a face at him, bouncing him gently. An owl tapped on the window, and Remus stood. The other four fell silent, even little Teddy. When he turned around again, his face was grim.

"It's time."

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