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A ghost slid through the wall in front of Lilli, making her jump. He was one of the new ghosts, she could tell, even before she saw his face. His clothes were too modern. But then he did look at her, and her eyes pricked with tears.


He grinned lopsidedly, "Well, well, well. Lilli Simmons... no, it's Potter, isn't it? That was quite the scandal."

"The newspapers are still running with it," she said, studying her feet to ignore the heartache, "I hadn't realised you were old enough to fight."

"Turned seventeen in January," Jesse leaned (can ghosts lean?) against the wall, watching her, "Wasn't ready to let go. Ma, Pa, Miles, they're all still alive. I don't want to let go yet." A slight note of desperation slipped into his voice. She nodded, continuing her walk to the Great Hall. He fell into step beside her.

"So you chose to be an everlasting seventeen-year-old," Lilli chuckled sadly, "Sounds glamourous."

He went to bump her with his hip, forgetting that he was incorporeal, and making her feel like she had been thrust into an ice bath, "Whoops, sorry."

"'S alright," she yawned, hiding it behind one hand. She'd had a hard time sleeping the past few nights.

"Say, what're you doing here so early? The train hasn't come in yet."

"Aunt Thia is taking over for Madam Pomfrey. I was helping her organize and figured it's easier to just stay here than go back and catch the tra—"

Lilli had entered the Dining Hall, her eyes falling immediately to the brightly coloured fireplace. On it, over fifty painted flowers bloomed, covering the sides, mantle, and even climbing the walls around it. She drifted over, examining the names.

Colin Creevey. Remus Lupin. Nymphadora Tonks. Jesper Tuck. Lorraine Jennings. Michael Donohue.

All of them, except Dumbledore's and Cedric's, were a part of the Fallen Fifty. The ones who had died during the Battle of Hogwarts. She ran her fingers over the painted stems, sorrow biting into her heart like thorns.

"None of you deserved this," she whispered, more to herself than to Jesse or anyone else, "This wasn't what you were meant for."

Jesse's mouth ticked upward, "None of this was meant to happen, Lils. You living lot still carry your wounds, where you had to say goodbye. Most of these people are gone, made peace with death. Think it's time you lot did too."


"Welcome, everyone, to another year at Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall looked out at the sea of faces, "I know you are all very hungry, but there are some things I'd like to address before. First, I would like to introduce our new Matron, Madam Simmons, and her service dog, Beck."

Lilli cheered along with her friends as Thia stood, smiling, before sitting back down. She could see the golden doodle sitting politely beneath the table.

"And, although she isn't here right now, we are delighted to welcome Professor Knight, who will take over Potions classes. You will meet her later in the week." Lilli gasped, then grinned. Professor McGonagall continued, "Now, I realise that we have all gone through a tremendous ordeal these last few years. We have lost family and friends, and seen how hatred and anger can divide even the most united fronts. And so, I am announcing a change; no longer are you to sit with your house during any meal, beginning now. I ask that you move now if you wish."

The room was still and silent for long moments. The first to move were siblings, like Nymphea, who went to sit with Nemesia. Lilli stayed beside Draco, but they weren't left alone for long. Ginny and Neville both joined them, as did Luna and Leo.

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