Gorgeous Dresses and Glamorous Girls

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"You're letting me do your hair, Lils?" This was from Winna, as she was tugging the third year up the stairs. And it was really less of a question and more of a command, not that Lilli was complaining. It meant she didn't have to deal with the mass of curls that was her hair.

She was forced into a chair in her dormitory, a brush appeared in Winna's hand. Lilli winced, "You really shouldn't try to brush it. It'll make it worse. There's some shea butter in the drawer right there, use that first."

"Yeah, alright." Winna pulled out the jar, "So, are you excited? Even if your date is Malfoy?"

"He's not that bad, Winns. And anyway, we're just friends." Lilli glanced in the mirror at Winna, "I still say you should have asked Fred yourself. Having the guy make the first move is so old-fashioned."

Winna blushed, "I've told you, Lils. He doesn't like me like that. Besides, he's my Charms tutor, do you know how awkward it would be if he said no?"

Lilli rolled her eyes, "And I've told you, it's obvious he does." Winna just blushed more and stayed silent.

It took nearly a quarter of the jar to tame Lilli's curls, and she wished yet again that she wasn't a redhead. If she wasn't, she could have used Sleekeazy's, which promised that two drops could control even the wildest hair. But she had to make do.

"Up or down?" Winna asked after, playing with Lilli's hair.

"Up, please. In a bun or something if you can." Winna nodded, lifting up the top section of her hair. She spun Lilli away from the mirror so she couldn't watch what was happening. 

When Winna spun her around again, her hair was pulled neatly up into a ballet bun. She held up a mirror so Lilli could see the back, which Winna had french-braided from the nape of her neck up. "Perfect."

"Can I do your makeup?" Nymphea asked, looking up from her bed, "I've been wanting to practice."

Lilli bit the inside of her lip. She wasn't big on makeup of any sort, but she supposed it was only one night.

"Keep it natural, please." Nymphea brightened, retrieving a case from under her bed. She stood in front of Lilli, looking between her makeup palette and her. Then she got to work.


Draco met her in the common room, his eyebrows raising at the sight of her. He glanced her up and down, taking in the hair, the simple makeup (which included fake lashes that Nymphea had insisted on), and the Draco-Malfoy-original dress.

"It'll do." 

Lilli rolled her eyes, pushing him, "Watch it, Malfoy, or I'll tell Pansy you want a dance with her."

He paled (if that was even possible for him), "You look very nice, Lilli."

"Better," she waved toward the door, "Shall we?"

Draco extended his arm, which she took with another roll of her eyes, "Yes, we shall."


Dinner was served first, and Lilli found herself at a table of Draco's friends, including Pansy. The girl was across from them, glaring daggers at her anytime she looked up. Lilli occupied herself with noting who was with whom, and who wanted to be with whom.

At the Champions' Table, she was pleased to see that Viktor and Hermione were laughing together next to a very uncomfortable looking Harry. Lilli hid a laugh, looking away.

She saw Ron Weasley staring at Hermione. Blaise was giving quick glances every now and then to Ginny Weasley. Fred Weasley was sending longing looks toward Winna, who didn't seem to notice. Lilli rolled her eyes at that one. Everyone but Winna seemed to see he liked her, and that she liked him. They were just oblivious. Then she noticed Draco's eyes wandering toward the Champion table.

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