Orphans and Old Friends

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"Are you sure, love?" Thia asked, "No one would blame you for taking the summer off."

"I'm sure," Lilli pulled on her jade green robes, tying her hair back, "They need help. I need to keep busy."

Thia cupped her face, studying it carefully. Lilli held her gaze, though her lip trembled as she breathed out. "Please, Aunt Thia? I can't stay still."

"I think there's somewhere better for you than the Trauma Ward right now. Come on, you'll like it." Thia led her down the stairs from her office, past Spell-Damage and Creature Injuries, down to a door just behind the Welcome Witch.

Lilli looked around at all the faces. They were almost all younger than her, although there were a few who were at least close to her age. Some she recognised from Hogwarts, most she didn't.

"They're all orphans," Thia murmured, "Left behind by the war. The Ministry had nowhere to put them, so they were sent here. Oliver!"

An older gentleman made his way over, a sobbing toddler in his arms, "Thia! Who's this?"

Thia rested a hand on her shoulder, "This is my goddaughter, Ellie. Ellie, this is Oliver Carrington. My nurse when I was here, and old Psych professor."

"I did not hear you call me old, young lady," he grinned, bouncing the little boy on his hip, "She my volunteer for today?"

"Yup. Don't break her, alright?"

"I make no promises." Oliver turned to Lilli, "Could you get the younger kids for me? It's time for group therapy, but this little fella needs some medicine. They should respond if you call out Stars."

Lilli nodded, watching as he disappeared before turning back to the room at large, "Stars! Where are you all?"


Oliver had her watch the rest of the children while he talked with the Stars. Half the children were asleep for their mid-afternoon nap, so the main challenge was reminding the others to be quiet.

Eventually, she noticed one of the older girls sitting alone in the corner, watching them all with a blank look. Lilli sat down a ways away from her.

"You doing okay?" The girl jumped, looking toward her with wide green eyes. She shook her head, pulling her knees to her chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" Another shake of the head. "Okay."

Instead of walking away like the girl probably expected, Lilli stayed perfectly still, eyes trailing over the others. Occasionally, one of the littles would come up to her, either to investigate the new girl or to ask to play. She would gently redirect them each time, keeping the corner quiet.

"Why are you still sitting here?" The girl asked, wariness in her voice. Lilli shrugged.

"Being alone isn't going to help."

She scoffed, looking away, "No such thing as alone in here."

Lilli chuckled a little, "Yeah, I suppose not. I'm Lilli."

"Don't care." A beat. "Marnie."

"Do you go to Hogwarts, Marnie?"

"Where else would I go?"

Lilli shrugged, tugging her hair to one side and beginning to braid it, "There are lots of other wizarding schools."

Marnie seemed to respond in spite of herself, "There are?"

"Mmm-hmm," Lilli hummed, "I went to one last year while hiding in the States. It was a lot like Hogwarts, but they didn't have houses."

"Why were you hiding in the States? That seems a little overcautious."

"It was safer," Lilli shrugged, typing off her braid, "For my brother's sake, and my aunt's. She's a healer here, and it made her feel better that I was out of the country."

"Huh," Marnie fell quiet, resting her chin on her knees. One of the babies woke up, and Lilli hurried to soothe them before the others woke up. She returned to sit beside Marnie, the little one in her arms.

"Do you have any siblings?" Lilli asked. Marnie nodded, looking away.

"My brother took a crucio from Lestrange," she said quietly, "He's been holed up in the Janus Thickey Ward and I haven't been able to go see him very much. They won't let us leave without being accompanied by someone."

"I'll talk to Oliver about going to see him after the Stars are done," Lilli assured her, tickling the baby in her arms. A giggle escaped the boy's lips.

"Can I tell you something? I think he was hiding something from me last year," Marnie said, sitting up again. If Lilli saw the tears in her eyes, she didn't say anything. "He kept taking out a scrap of paper and reading it over and over again. Never let me see it though."

Lilli was about to say something when Oliver came over. "Ah, I see you've met Marnie Greene, Ellie. Mind if I borrow you for a second, though?"

She shook her head, shifting the baby as she stood, following the Healer. They walked over to the baby swings, letting her settle the boy down.

"I'm impressed, Ellie," he said, watching her, "Marnie has refused to open up to anyone. I know she's not quite like the rest of them," he gestured to the rest of the room, "That once her brother gets better, she'll be able to leave again, but I worry."

"She just needed someone to listen," Lilli stretched, "Which reminds me, once my shift is over, do you mind if I take her to visit her brother?"

"Be my guest. I'd take her myself, but we've so many and so few helpers," he sighed, "I can't wait until the olders are back at Hogwarts."


"Come on, Marnie," Lilli bounced to a stop in front of her, extending a hand, "You and I are going on a field trip."

"What am I, six?" She said, taking her hand and letting her pull her up, "Where are we going?"

"You said you can only go see your brother if someone goes with you, yeah?" Lilli held open the door for her, following her out.

"Really?" Lilli nodded, stepping past her to lead the way to the stairs, "Thank you."

"Anytime." They lapsed into silence as they climbed, but Lilli could see a smile on Marnie's face. She guided her into one of the group rooms, and Marnie ran immediately to one of the side rooms, for the people who were only there for a short stay. Lilli took her time, going to each of the patients she knew so well and the ones who had been admitted after the Battle. Lockhart tried to give her more autographs, Agnes yipped at her. Healer Strout smiled at her.

Eventually, she made her way to the back of the room, where Alice and Frank were settled. Alice gave her a taffy wrapper, just as she had all those years ago. Frank spent a few minutes rubbing his hands over her hair (he liked its texture).

Lilli checked the time, knowing that Thia expected her to check in before she went home. She decided it was time to take Marnie back. Knocking on the open door, she stepped inside the room.

"Marnie? It's time to go." The girl frowned, but nodded, hugging her brother tightly. The boy stared at Lilli, and she shifted awkwardly, not making eye contact.


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