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"Darling, you'll do splendidly," Lilli said, resting her hands on Teddy's shoulders. She could hardly believe they were nearly of a height now, although she knew both of his parents had been tall. He sighed, nodding.

"Isn't Uncle Harry going to come say goodbye?" He asked. Lilli tweaked his nose, drawing a smile out of him.

"He'll meet you at Hogwarts. You just get us for now," Andy said, hugging her grandson. He squeezed her back, although he made a face at Lilli and Cade, who chuckled. Then he bent down to see Riley.

"Be good, okay, pipsqueak?" She nodded, bumping her head against his gently. He returned the gesture before standing to hug Cade.

Lilli was last, but he held onto her the longest. "Baby, you'll rule the school, you know that right?" He pulled back to look at her, "You've got Tonks and Marauder blood in your veins, and you were raised by Potters and Weasleys. You'll be running the show by the time Harry's kids even get there."

Teddy laughed as the train whistle blew, giving everyone another hug (or head bump) before taking off for his compartment. Cade pulled Lilli to her side, kissing her temple. The redhead smiled, fiddling with her ring.

"Like you said, bubs, he'll be fine."

She watched the train disappear, "Yeah, I know."


"Riley, come on," Lilli cajoled, looking down at her daughter, "You need to eat something. I can hear your stomach rumbling."

"I can't. I'm in the depths of despair. Can you eat when you are in the depths of despair?" Riley sighed dramatically, one hand to her forehead as she lay on the couch. Lilli could hear Cade laughing from the kitchen.

"Kiddo, you've got just one year until you can go to Hogwarts," Lilli tried again, silently cursing Cade for teaching her how to be dramatic, "But you need to eat."

"No, I shan't." Cade's laughter grew louder, and Lilli scowled toward the kitchen.

"Fine," she shrugged, headed out of the living room, "I suppose you don't want any shepherd's pie, then. I'll just have to give the rest to the boy next door."

Riley beat her to the table, any sign of being in the 'depths of despair' gone. Lilli chuckled, "That's what I thought."


May 30th, 2014...

"Do you, Elliana Rose Potter, take Cadence Mignon Thomas to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Hermione asked, eyes teary.

"I do," Lilli squeezed Cade's hands, a warm smile on her face. Cade squeezed back.

"Do you, Cadence Mignon Thomas, take Elliana Rose Potter to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Hell yes," Cade said, drawing laughs from the small audience.

"You may ki—" Lilli pulled Cade in before Hermione could finish, "—ss the bride."

There were whoops and cheers as they separated, grinning like children. Cade held out her arm, and Lilli took it, the newlyweds leading the way out of the tent and into the sunshine. As everyone filtered out behind them, music began, and Cade twirled Lilli. Everyone gasped; her dress transformed into a knee-length version, glittering gold in the sunlight. But they weren't done; when Cade spun, her dress did the same, but it melted into a blue and silver suit instead.

They came together into the actual dance, although Lilli shouted, "Thanks, Draco!" to the amusement of the guests (and the embarrassment of the designer). As the tempo slowed, Cade rested her forehead against Lilli's.

"I love you, bubs," she murmured softly, the others fading away until it was just the two of them.

"After all this time?" Lilli smiled, her eyes crinkling. She knew the answer already.


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