Chapter 9- A trip full of surprises

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The three of us go into the market, curious and excited. Careful to not bring too much attention to ourselves. I was so enthralled by all the people and the wonderful stalls that I almost forgot the pain my feet were suffering from.

However, soon the excitement was no longer enough to keep the pain away, and I started to stagger. Thankfully, I was aided by Wolff, who noticed my suffering. He called upon the idiotic prince, who had run off in front to ask him to wait for us and go slowly. You never guessed what he did... He looked back at us, gave me a 'look' from head to toe, lingered in his eyes there for a while, and then went on as usual.

Ahrrrrrrr... If I could just smack him! But no.... he was a prince, the future emperor... I had to control myself, even if it frustrated me to no end. Gathering myself, I just give a weak smile to worried Wolff and try to move forward to where the troublemaker prince had run to.

I and Wolff find him in a stall close by discussing something with the vendor. We were still a little farther away from me to understand what they were talking about, though Wolff for sure knew as he started to smile right away.

Before we reached the stall, I noticed something shining from the prince's neck. A necklace with a blue stone, shining like the moon. No one seemed to notice it, which was odd. The stone was definitely something that would grab people's attention. However, no one cared. Like no one cared for a boy with red eyes. There was something strange going on.

I turn back to Wolff and notice how he was hiding his under the hood of the cape. A wise choice to avoid scornful looks. His eyes, while still beautiful, were now of a more "normal" colour. And unless one stared at them close by, they could pass by as human eyes. All this explained why no one made uncomfortable looks at the wolf boy, it didn't explain, however, how they didn't do it to Cedric.

When we arrived close to the idiotic prince, I continued to analyze the necklace. Sure something was off with it. I was so focused, that I didn't even care what kind of stall was it and what the boys were talking about with the salesman. My eyes only saw the bluestone, until red eyes blocked my vision.

The prince came so close to my face that I almost jumped back, surprised. Before my body could react I was caught by an idiotic prince.

"Be careful or you will get even more hurt! I don't want to have Wolff carry you around with that heavy dress. It would kill his back." Said Cedric with his small hands on my arms to secure me. His eyes, mesmerizing like rubies, were on max intensity.

They were so pretty I almost lost myself in them, but his words prevented that scenario. I was so angry! I mean is it my fault that I am hurt? I don't want to be carried by Wolff either! Why do I have to get scolded by a conceited 8-year-old prince, who brought me against my will so he could enjoy some 'fun time'? No! I don't care anymore! I will tell him off! I don't care if I die! I will anyway of angriness!

I was ready to say some words to the prince when out of nowhere he went down to the ground and touched my feet, gently. He takes out my shoes and starts to apply some medicinal cream on them. I noticed then he had taken the cream from a bag he had concealed under the cape. It was not the only thing I noticed then. Next to my feet was a pair of shoes, colourful and beautiful, and a shallow sole.

When he finished applying for the medicine, the prince took my shoes away and put them in his bag. Then very gently he put the other shoes on my feet, checking, as carefully as possible, if they fitted my feet.

I was so shocked, that words didn't come out of my mouth until the prince stood up. And when he did, my only words were a simple thank you.

Prince Cedric said nothing to me, instead he paid the seller, took my hand, and continued his visit to the market. While we walked I continued to be too shocked to notice the market.

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