Chapter 51- Words of a worried father

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"What?" asked Gobbie for the third time.

As with the other two, it followed a moment of furious rambling in his office and then a breath of baffled silence. Only to end with the same question all over again.

This was going super well... not.

I was pretty sure he had heard me the first time and had grasped my idea, as well as my reasoning behind it. But as always with Gobbie, nothing was easy. I already had expected resistance. From him and Jenni, who stood by my side and assessed the unfolding scene with her quiet presence.

However, this shock seemed almost off. I expected a complete refusal or a cry of some sort. Or in my wildest wishes, a complete understanding and agreement. Yet I got surprise and worry from him. Yes... because since I finished talking, he hadn't glimpsed even once at me or Jenni. As if he was afraid of sharing what he was thinking.

I took the opportunity to probe when he sank into his chair, tired.

"Father, they need our help." I tried as I pushed myself closer to the desk and closer to him.

He finally glanced at me. "Why should it be you?" he asked in a dark mood, his hands, previously open on top of the desk, curling into themselves.

"Because no one else cared. No one who can actually make a difference." I replied, hugging myself as I felt an unnatural coldness in my bones, although the room was warm, unbearably so.

His blue eyes pierced my skin, and the ice went up to my soul. I fought the urge to shudder. However, my hands trembled like weak branches on a strong wind, rendering my efforts unsuccessful. I couldn't read his mind, but I was now sure he hated the idea of me working in the palace. It was weird because all this time he had tried for me and Jenni to visit him often and whenever we did he only greeted us with over-the-top smiles and warmth.

Now, the only thing emanating from him was a dreadful iciness.

"Lucreatia, I never knew you to be so good." his voice was a stinger and his words a slapper.

I opened my mouth to protest, feeling wronged. Yet I could not produce a sound and instead closed it before my throat became drier.

His face warmed, and his eyes lost the deadly ice, leaving behind a sea of fatherly concern. "At least be sincere and admit that it is your misleading guilt driving your actions." he leaned forward, elbows puncturing the smooth surface of the desk, while his head rested above his crossed fingers.

And he waited.

"Does it matter what is pushing me? As long-"

"It will." he interrupted, his lips tightening while his nails carved themselves on the flesh.

Fury clouded my judgment, and I stuck my hands on my hips before asking, "Why so?"

I hated this enigmatic bullshit.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then lifted himself up. "Because the palace is not a simple place. Because people can be evil even when they smile the prettiest. Because they would do anything for power, especially at the palace." His voice was raw, travelling through the walls, keeping my feet glued to the floor.

"The Royal palace is not a safe place for you Lucreatia. Not because you are a girl, not because you are not capable, but because of its nature. Because it is like night and day, between you and that place." He approached me, one knee bent and both hands on my arms.

I gulped under his intense stare.

"One has to be ruthless, has to create enemies, sometimes powerful ones, and to have veins of steel. Doing things because of guilt for your improved situation or luck in life compared to others won't be enough to battle your way inside those walls." he squeezed my arms gently. "Only determination, deep and cruel, can help you in that place."

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