Chapter 49- A Moon Prince and a Sun Lady

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Some minutes before Lulu and Francis' meeting

Cedric was tired and miserable. He should have known his friend's retribution would be swift and powerful (and never by his hand). Although he had hoped Francis would care a little more about self-preservation than this.

He heard another piercing scream and his stomach recoiled deep into an abyss. With all his strength, he avoided shuddering as another lady stumbled next to him, almost making him fall with her when she grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

He steadied both himself and her before she had any foresight to smile, cry her apologies, and then issue her profound appreciation for his actions. One way or the other, his answer to her and the rest would be nothing more than a polite smile.

His father had always warned him never to judge someone quickly and to always help those in need. But after the fifth girl fell over him, there were only three options.

It was on purpose.

They were really unlucky (him included).

Or the new fashionable shoes of this season were dreadful for any sort of walk.

Cedric believed the first was the most likely scenario, but in case the last two were a possibility, even if tiny, he allowed himself to smile instead of scowling at them.

Besides, they were not the worse of the evening.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a boy coming from behind a tree, a hand on his overly large sword by his waist. He was but a child and already ready to seek a duel with him.

Cedric sighed. As years passed by, things had become worse and worse, with rows of young nobles empowered to face him (the big bad prince from the nearby empire). By per rules, he was not allowed real duels in the Sun Empire, unless it was for training. He had expected that to be known around the nobility circles. Yet by the number of boys trying to engage in something he had to refuse, it seemed not.

Or they were just some idiots trying to prove how righteous and powerful they were by facing the son of darkness.

He couldn't complain. Better shouldn't. As Francis suffered a similar fate in his homeland, the Moon Empire.

Rooted beliefs and traditions were difficult to shed.

The boy, a lanky lad with short midnight hair, tried to puff his torso as he prepared to call him. Cedric, however, done with all this silliness, just passed the boy without throwing him a glance. He continued his walk even when his challenger recovered from the shock of being ignored and asked him to stop, his speech travelling with the evening breeze.

Cedric instead followed a more secluded path. One he had seen Francis take before, when he managed some breathing room by distracting the ladies surrounding them (pushing them to Cedric).

One where Lulu had wandered into.

Because one thing Cedric knew about his friend was that when bored, the Sun prince was the most mischievous. It was obvious, to anyone who wished to see, Lulu's interest in Francis and that itself made it easier for him to ignore her. Lulu's expressions and demeanour were funnier the angrier she got. However, since she now understood how Francis played, it was time for him to end his little game of cat and mousse. To gauge what her interest in him was.

In a few words, Francis was an ass to others sometimes.

Still, Cedric's heart clutched at the knowledge that Lulu hadn't come to him first. Whatever was worrying her, no matter small or big, he would have helped her. Yet Francis had been chosen instead.

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