Chapter 1- Awaken to lilac

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Darkness circled me as the pain of my blood leaving my broken body made me want to scream. In heavy breaths, I fought the dark, trying to open my eyes. And in dizziness, I succeeded. I saw a stormy night, full of stars and falling snow. The cold air filled my shattered lungs, and I gasped for more air, my eyes fixed on the luminous stars. Stars that reminded me of those eyes, golden and dying.

And with a calm realization... I knew... That, like her, I was dying.

"Oh, my god! Luna?!"

The name, my name, sounded so wrong and so distant. I wanted to look at the one who called for me, but my body refused to obey my deepest wishes. My eyes were stuck in the sky. Stuck on the stars that began to dim. Stuck on the flakes of snow that danced around to my impending end.

Child, it is time for you to wake up.

The voice rang in my ears. Almost echoing through my bones. Deep and assured, familiar. It was him.

Something red covered my vision, and I knew it could only be my blood. I barely could see the light of the stars, yet I didn't want to let go. I wanted to fight, but his pull was too big. He wrapped me again in darkness as I realized it was impossible to fight.

Dear child... you have returned...

Lilac. I awoke to lilac eyes, crystal and pure. And irritating to no end.

"Oh... its time! My grievances.... time to settle them with you!" I didn't know where I had punched since my eyes were fixed on the lilac, yet I was quite sure it hit somewhere.

My anger proved to be a good fuel, and with the impact of the punch, my own body moved and ended up hitting the floor with a loud bang. It hurt and I hissed, caressing my bruised back. 

"Fuck... You deep shit! I am gonna settle things with you right now! How dare you trick me twice!!" I pointed somewhere, anywhere really, trying at the same time to understand where I was and where he was.

A hearty laugh was the only answer that I got, which confused me as much as the pain I felt. I shouldn't feel pain after death... right?   It was then, that my mind cleared enough of my anger to assess my surroundings. To my surprise, I realized it was my room at the Mountnero manor. I glanced back to myself and saw my small hands and my body, healthy and without any blood. The body of Lucreatia Mountnero.

In front of me was the bed, and obscured by it, on the other side, was the responsible for the laugh.

Death?  The lilac eyes came to my mind. Those haunting and beautiful eyes.

However, as the man rose up, there was no way he could be Death. He had chestnut hair cut short, tanned skin, and a charming disposition with a smile as big as the Empire. Far away from the quiet, sombre and chiselled beauty of the responsible for my grievances.

The man before me had a comforting and kind aura around him. Weird...

I watched him come closer, his hand massaging the right side of his face, which grew redder and a bit swollen. Opsies...

"Oh, dear child... I am glad to see that you are active enough to give such a punch. Though, I confess myself unprepared for such improper talk." he laughed louder and with childish joy.

Shit... forgot about that...

I watched him as he continued his laugh, enjoying for some reason my lack of etiquette. It was hard to assess the curious fellow, so I stayed silent, waiting for him to stop his laughter.

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