Ch. 12, The Small, Green Creature

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"Surely you two are the most powerful and beautiful sisters in all the land," said the small, green creature, (which was indeed a frog). "But where does this power come from?"

Neither of the beautiful princesses had asked this before. And so they began to follow the magic's pulse, tracing it like blood flowing back to the heart. They followed it across a roaring river, jumping from stone to stone. They followed it through thorns and briars tall and thick. They followed it to the darkest part of the forest, to the top of a stone pedestal, where they found a single, beautiful, blood red rose.

And to their surprise, The Blood Rose spoke to them.

It told them should they prick their finger on its thorns, and feed it a single drop of blood, it would reveal the path to their hearts desire.

The older sister pricked her finger first, and suddenly felt the urge to return to the castle and seek out her father. When she came into the empty throne room she realized her greatest desire: Power. There was only one person in all the land more powerful than her in the Dark Magic; her father, The Dark King. She resolved at that very moment to find a way to make the throne her own, no matter the cost.

The younger sister, second to her sister in all, pricked her finger next. And because the rose was capricious and cruel, it decided her path would lead her to the most consuming, most powerful, most dangerous of all desires.



(Any guesses on what this fairytale has to do with the story? ;) thanks for reading the newly revised version of the book! Please don't forget to vote, and if you enjoyed, share with a friend or add to your public reading list!  XD)

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