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A quick message from me! ;)

I wanted to give a special shout-out to my friend Alex @virata who is a talented sci-fi writer on Wattpad (so go check out his work!). Thank you for your endless encouragement, and for always being ready to talk about a plot hole or character that's not working. I feel blessed to have found a fellow Christian writer and friend on this platform, so thank you. 

Thank you also to the people in my life who support me and give me time to write: my mom and dad, my wonderful husband, my beautiful sister (who is a talented photographer on Instagram at sadiereedphoto), my amazing Mother-in-law, and anyone else I forgot to mention! Oh, and thanks to my cat. You and my kids have broken just about every valuable and or breakable thing I own, but you always give cuddles and the world could use more cuddles right now. 

Finally, my thanks goes to you, dear reader. Its been a year of challenges and set-backs, but through those, I've found myself drawing closer to what I find most important: my faith and my family. I send this hope out to you as well. I hope this book has served as a light in dark times, and a place to escape and belong. Wherever you are right now, know that you are strong, resilient, important and loved. Readers often thank me for posting stories, but truly, my full gratitude and appreciation for this book goes to you. Thank you for taking time to be here. 

If you liked this novel, and want to keep up to date with me and my books (and my upcoming debut novel The Last She, published Dec 2021), please don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter. I send out a newsletter on the final day of the month, and would be honored to have you there. The sign up link is included in my bio and externally linked here as well. 

And now, since I've said goodbye to many times this past year, let me say instead: Till our next adventure together. 

All my best, 

H.J. Nelson

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