Ch. 7, Swipe Up to Continue

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So what's the plan? Poxel sent down through the mist when he'd finally caught up with me.

What took you so long back at the castle? Why didn't you follow me?

You tell me plan first. His answer was both evasive and gleeful— which seriously worried me. I checked over my shoulder to make sure no smoke rose from the castle spires.

Fine. I saw Lorcan leave for the Northern Woods. The Blood Rose must be somewhere there. I say we follow him. What do you think?

Dumb plan. Even for human.

Pray tell me your better plan, oh wise dragon.


I looked up, and barely saw it in time, falling from the sky. I thought for a moment it was a black egg, but a part of it glowed, like it was on fire.

I didn't have time to debate— I leapt forward and caught it before it hit the ground. I winced, but it wasn't on fire.

The black glowing rock!

Poxel! Did you steal this from Lorcan?

Dragons never steal. Trade, though, yes. Left him nice egg.

I grinned, and then turned the black rock over.

It was shaped in a perfect rectangle, and impossibly, the top of it seemed ... glass? It fit in my hand well, almost like it was made to be held. I turned it over. The back had a picture of a shiny apple with a bite taken out of it. I'd seen my fair share of poisoned apples in the Dark Realm, but this painting didn't seem edible or even remotely appealing. I turned it over again. Both sides were perfectly smooth, yet the glass side had a small indent. I peered closer, and then pressed the indent.

The rock exploded with light.

I nearly dropped it in surprise.

What strange, wonderful magic was this?

The light was a hectic clear blue, brighter than even dragon flames. I had to blink a few times before the brilliant glow. Then, even more incredible, I saw a message was now written inside the magic apple rock.

Swipe Up to Continue.

Was this some sort of command? Or the beginning instruction on a hero's quest? What did swipe up entail?

Poxel perched on my shoulder. What do you think that means?

I have an idea... I sent back.

Then I leaned back, cocked my arm and then launched the rock as high into the air. It disappeared briefly into the Dark mist, and then fell back to the ground. Nothing magical seemed to happen, but I scrambled over to where it had fallen and picked it back up, and pushed the indent again.

Swipe Up to Continue.

Dragons Dung!

Poxel's head bobbed up and down in excitement. Good idea! I'll fly and drop it from twice as high, and light it on fire!

I held it away from him. Not yet, just let me think.

I turned the rock over again, feeling the strange, foreign sleekness of it, running my fingers over the surface, when suddenly the mysterious message disappeared.

New colors stained the screen, and this time a picture appeared, so perfect and clear I wondered if this rock were some sort of window to a different world. It was a tiny spinning wheel, as if for a person no larger than my finger. Above the needle was a tiny message and again it was written in the neatest calligraphy I had ever seen.

Tap here to continue.

Curious... Only a fool would touch an actual spindle needle, lest they incur a curse, or cast an evil spell over the kingdom. In fact, I'd spent much of my life cleaning up many such messes romantic fools had caused, side by side with Lorcan. But every enchanted object I'd ever seen was a shiny lamp, or a needle's spindly, or a wand... this was...

Not of this world.

The blood pounded through my veins, everything seeming to grow quiet. Was it possible? What if this rock wasn't just of The Human Realm— what if it were a portal there? If someone had stolen The Blood Rose, then it was my duty to bring it back.

I reached forward, and touched the screen.

Nothing happened.

A deep disappointment filled me, but then I felt a sudden jerk, like something had slammed into my back, like I was plunged forward off a cliff, and a sudden roaring noise filled my ears, the world twisting and warping.

Just as quickly, I slammed on my back, the breath rushing out of me and the world slowly stopped spinning.

I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing, and the way my whole body stung.

"Poxel?" I called out. My voice disappeared above me, as if there were no mist, and immediately I knew my tiny dragon wasn't here, the same way I knew I was no longer in the dark meadow. I opened my eyes, to see the sky so high above it seemed impossible. Everything was quiet and still. I stood slowly, reaching for my knife and sword. They were gone.

So I was stranded alone, without a weapon, somewhere I knew nothing of.

Then a tiny flake of white touched my cheek and I jumped.

My hand traced my cheek, feeling the cold, wet, and then I leaned back my neck and looked up.

Thousands of white flakes drifted down, slow and mesmerizing. I reached out, watching as the tiny beautiful flake landed on my palm and melted.

I'd never seen white snow before. In the dark realm it was a sooty gray. Here it was almost a glowing white, which seemed—

"Impossible," a voice finished my thought. I spun, hand again going to the missing knife at my waist.

(Keep reading to find out who is speaking! Shout out to DESTINY5611 for the cover banner, thank you!)

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