Ch. 16, Some Other Fire-Breathing Squirrel

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Even though I'd decided to complete Ivy's quest, I still had to survive the rest of the day of school. Which seemed more and more difficult, as half the school seemed keen to avoid me and the other half didn't seem to be able to even see me. I worried I'd been cursed with some sort of repulsion spell. But the teachers still talked with me, and gave me pitying smiles, so I knew it must not have been true.

A strange, uncomfortable feeling began to grow in my chest. Maybe it was selfish, but I'd dreamed of the Human Realm my whole life. Of course I was here to find the Blood Rose, and whoever had stolen it and was becoming a Beast. But... was it bad that I wanted to also experience a bit of high school life before I left? Was it so wrong to want to join in just one of the impromptu dance and song routines that I was still awaiting?

As the day wore on I grew progressively more desperate. In history class I asked a boy with hair like thick ropes if he were at all related to Medusa (whom I had met on occasion) to which he gave me a disgusted look.

In fact, I was feeling thoroughly discouraged as I sat in math class, listening to the teacher drone on about Calculus that I had learned far better from a back of a centaur. No matter who I talked to, no matter how friendly I was, not a single soul in the school would talk to me. And from the way Ivy smiled at me, it was like she'd ordered them not to. Why? It made no sense?

It's because I haven't completed her quest.

It was the only reason I could come up with. But to complete her quest I would need time, and my magic mirror. A tinge of discouragement twisted in my chest as I sat at the dirty desk, complete with scribbles and initials. Maybe high school, and the Human Realm, weren't exactly the dream and fairytale I'd thought they'd be. I'd only been in the Human realm a day, and already I missed Lorcan and Poxel.

I stared out the window, transfixed by the thousand shades of red and gold in the trees and the way the light streamed through them. Even if I miss them, there is so much beauty here. Not everyone gets the chance to see the sun and the sky. I was thankful, and happy... I just wish I had someone to share it all with. Outside the window there were several funny creatures with puffy tails that bounded across the ground and then climbed up trees. Squirrels, I remembered, from my earlier conversation this morning with Clara, who had been very specific about not trapping them.

One had a pile of nuts he guarded and then left for a moment. Another one of the creatures came in and stole one of the acorns, and I smiled as the former creature came charging back.

Then fire burst out of the tiny creature's mouth.

I gasped, and the class turned to stare at me. Heat creeped up into my neck.

"Sorry, I just finally got what you're saying and how it applies to the quadratics formula... Astounding, really." I gave a desperate smile, and Mr. Teston, monotone and hunched over, gave a real smile and straightened up, a bit more energy in his voice than before.

I tuned him out and searched outside the window for the creature. I found him at once, circling around his pile of nuts like a dragon circled his gold. I had seen fire come out his mouth. I was sure of it. And I was also sure that no creature of the Human Realm could do such a thing.

A growing suspicion and excitement welled up inside me.


I sent out a tentative query and the bushy tailed creature froze immediately.


His enthusiasm and excitement would have knocked me from my chair if I hadn't been ready for it.

I'm glad to see you to Poxel... but what the darkness are you doing here? I sent him immense happiness mixed with confusion.

Guarding my nuts. He dropped into a crouch and then spun in a circle in a single bound. I've got more than any other squirrel. His chest puffed out. But they keep trying to steal them.

I noticed several other squirrels with singed looking fur.

Poxel, did you breathe fire on them? Animals can't do that in this realm! You'll give yourself away!

His answer was a bit too late. Wasn't me. Prolly some other fire-breathing squirrel.

I couldn't be angry with him though. What are you doing here?

He shook his bushy tail at me, I liked the tails, they're so fluffy and-

No, I mean, how did you get here?

He wrapped his tail around him and paused. When he answered there was an evasiveness that didn't fit him. Came to protect you. Someone left the portal open.

I could hear the lie, but I also had a sneaky suspicion I knew the truth, so I tried a different tactic.

Oh, that's silly of them. So who gave you the shape-shifting charm?

Lorcan! he replied happily, and my heart tightened for a moment. Lorcan had sent him. Of course. And I hadn't even said goodbye.

He said I can't be anything bigger than half the size of you though. Severe disappointment. But I saw this thing at the zoo called a rhinoceros that I don't think anyone would notice-

No. I sent back firmly. It is custom to eat things larger than half the size of humans here, best stay smaller animals so you aren't accidentally eaten.

The bell rang, and I jerked, realizing everyone was already packing up to go.

I've got to go. Poxel, Can you meet me at the side of the school in the bushes when everyone starts to leave? I've got to get in one of those yellow steel dragons, but I can sneak you into my backpack with me.

I'll collect nuts till then! He sent back happily. And make friends with the squirrels I burnt. The last I saw of him he was streaking after another desperate looking squirrel with a charred tail, shouting out Friend! Friend! Come back! I'll give you a nut!

I breathed a deep sigh, smiling as I walked out of the room. Poxel being here changed everything. He was the piece of home I needed. And there wasn't a Beast alive that could escape the two of us working together.

I gave Ivy a giant smile and wave as I strode past her and into the bright light, reflecting on how very different high school was than what I'd expected. The training and tests of the centaurs and elves could easily kill you, but at the end of the day we all gathered before bonfires, and talked and sang as friends.

After a single day here I was beginning to suspect that the chances of someone bursting into song in these hallways was about the same as a dragon offering me his treasure for free.

I pushed out the steel doors, and into the bushes were Poxel was meant to meet me. I almost jumped back at the sight of a dozen other squirrels staring up at me with wide eager eyes.

I made friends like you said! Can we take them all home?

I laughed, and smiled at him and his squirrel friends. If Poxel could befriend a group of squirrels he'd roasted a few hours ago, then I could make friends at high school. All I needed to do was complete Ivy's quest.

Alright guys, you can come home... But I need your help digging up a magic mirror... and breaking into the Principal's Office. 

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