Ch. 28, A Truly Horrible, Dark and Dangerous Place

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"Watch your step," I jumped forward as Cat stumbled down off the log, and for a moment the sounds of the forest around us faded as her body pressed against mine.

"Sorry, my shoelaces got caught." She stood back up, walking away from me, and the noises and colors rushed back in.

"They are certainly interesting shoes," I said, and then closed my eyes as she bent over to look at them. Interesting shoes? Really? Ten years of training in court compliments and interesting shoes is what you come up with?

"Thanks. They're my favorite Nikes."

I had no idea what Nikes were, but I said simply, "They suit you," and then turned and started down the path again before I could say or do anything else stupid.

We'd left the beach where we'd met the gargoyle behind long ago, and walked for hours through thick forest. The bright colors were disorientating, the blue sky high unending, the blazing sun merciless. I felt naked and exposed without magic or the shadows of the Dark Realm.

Even so, the burning globe above was useful as a directional tool, as neither of us knew the forest well enough to do anything but walk in one direction and hope at some point we found a road.

A high skreik sounded in the air.

"What was that?" Cat instantly wrapped a hand around my arm, and I lifted the sword. I doubted another dark beast would attack us, not when the sun shone bright, and when we were together.

"I'm not sure. Best stay close," I said slowly. I gave her a reassuring smile, my hand resting for a moment on the small of her back as we pressed onward. It was strange walking beside her, without magic, without any of the things that I'd thought made me me. I wasn't sure what I thought of this Lorcan, not a prince, not a magic wielder, just an ordinary man. It felt like I was one of the traveling circus performers who sometimes came to court, putting on an act.

Still, the company wasn't bad.

"So you never told me how you found me?" Cat asked as we walked beneath trees with round leaves that trembled in the wind. The same breeze ran through her hair, making it ripple like a dark waterfall.

"I heard you scream. And when I see a lovely maiden under attack, I don't hesitate."

"So if I had been an ugly old crone you would have left me to die?"

I reddened. "No, of course not, I only meant to say— "

She laughed, a teasing light in her eyes, and I shook my head. She was joking. Of course. People didn't joke with Princes. But I wasn't a Prince. Not here. High overhead a lovely bird with a bright red chest sang out a charming song before it flitted away.

"Relax, Lorcan," she dropped her shoulder and nudged me. "I meant where did you come from? Where do you live?"

I hesitated, and made the mistake of meeting her eyes, which widened with first intuition, and then surprise. "You're from the same place as that creature— aren't you?"

Something uncomfortable shifted inside me. I'd always thought myself superior to those of the Human Realm. Who would choose a life here when they could have dragons, fairies, and magic? But many humans saw darkness and were afraid, hiding away until the sun returned.

"Yes, I am from the Dark Realm." I waited for her to pull away from me in disgust. But to my surprise, her voice was curious.

"So are you like some sort of knight in that— other place?" She gestured to the sword.

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