Ch. 21, Two Sisters

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The two sisters, whose hearts had once been alike, now began to grow different and strange from the other. The younger sister began to disappear from court life to spend time with the sailor, and fell more and more in love. But while his kisses were sweet, and his arms were strong, the sailor longed to leave the Dark Realm, and to journey to lands far and wide. But there were no stars or moon in the Dark Realm, and without light to guide him, he had no way to find his way. The older sister grew in power, shadowing her father, growing ever more greedy for the throne. But the King was strong with the Dark Magic, and the older sister feared he would live forever and she would never gain the throne.

And so each princess, neither recognizing their own foolishness, neither patient enough to wait for their hearts desires, returned to The Blood Rose once again.


(Any guesses yet for how the fairytale ties into the main story? 

Also I included a pic of Lorcan above ;D 

For those of you who haven't surprised to my newsletter yet, wanted to let you know that I'm going to be doing a giveaway in my next one at the end of the month, and you won't want to miss it! 

Thanks for reading :D -Hannah )

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