Ch. 36, The Curse of the Beast

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And now onto the main event! -Hannah



And so the Blood Rose demanded a final, terrible cost.

Should the princess pick a single petal from the rose, it would guide her to a new Realm without magic, where her son would be safe from her sister's growing power and ambition. But the sailor, who had left her with a child and broken heart, would be stranded forever in the Never Lands, a place between Realms, until he was gifted a single petal from the Blood Rose.

Seeing no other way, she accepted. This time not for herself, but for the child growing inside her.

The child would never know magic—and never know the pain it had cost her.

But when she came to the new Realm, the petal shriveled up, and died, forever stranding her in the new Realm, and the sailor to a life between worlds. She gave birth to a beautiful son, and swore than one day, she would find her way home again.

Unbeknownst to her, her son grew stronger each day, the Dark magic coursing through his veins.

And everyday, the curse of the Beast grew stronger.


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