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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷CHAPTER THREEˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act i)

-HIDE AND SEEK-———————————————ˏˋ°•*⁀➷CHAPTER THREEˏˋ°•*⁀➷(act i)

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EMILY SAT reading a book in the library while Lucy stared out the window watching the raindrops trickle down. The exciting plans from last night were washed away by the storm. So the five children were sat making up their own game.

Peter sat on the armchair, draping his legs over the other arm rest while Susan sat with a latin dictionary making them play a ridiculous word game and Edmund was doing something under one of the chairs.

"Gas-tro-vascular. Come on, Peter. Gastrovascular." Susan repeated herself getting Peter's attention. "Is it Latin?" Peter asked.

"Of course it's Latin. It's from a Latin dictionary." Emily pointed out in an obvious tone. "Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" Edmund crawled out from underneath the chair. Susan huffed and shut the book putting it aside.

"We could play hide and seek." Lucy suggested walking away from the window and towards the rest of them.

"But we're already having so much fun." Peter said sarcastically. Emily rolled her eyes at the sarcastic remark as Susan scoffed at her brother.

"Come on, Peter. Please. Pretty please?" Lucy begged her older brother.

"One... two.... three." Peter finally gave in making Lucy smile and run off to find somewhere to hide. Emily sighed before putting her book down and ran into the kitchen and hid in one of the cupboards waiting to be found. She smiled as she shut the door. She had been planning hiding spots since she was little, hoping one day she could use them.

She heard Peter say 100 and she heard footsteps approaching. She crossed her fingers hoping he wouldn't find her in one of the cupboards.

"Found you." Peter smirked at her. "Are you kidding me? I've been saving this spot for years." Emily pouted slightly. Peter chuckled lightly at the girl. "Oh, stop laughing at me and help me get out of this thing."

Peter helped Emily out of the cupboard and back onto the floor. "It's alright! I'm back! It's alright!" the two of them heard Lucy shout.

They gave each other confused looks and ran upstairs to find Lucy in the middle of the corridor and Edmund's head peeking out from the curtains he was hiding in. He huffed in annoyance and stepped out, giving his younger sister a glare.

"You know, I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game." Peter said to his two younger siblings.

"Weren't you wondering were I was?" Lucy asked, frowning. "That's the point. That was why he was seeking you." Edmund pointed out.

Emily heard footsteps coming from behind her. "Does this mean I win?" Susan asked. She looked over her shoulder at her and nodded making Susan smile.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." Peter said turning to his other sister as those words left his mouth making Susan's smile fade.

"But I've been gone for hours?" Lucy frowned again. The four other children looked at the young girl raising their eyebrows slightly. "Come on, Emily! You've got to believe me."

Lucy took Emily's hand and dragged her up the small steps and to the spare room where an only wardrobe sat inside.

"What do you mean, you've been gone for hours?" Peter asked. "Well, I went to go hide in the wardrobe when something pricked my hand. There was a beautiful snowy forest in there. Oh, it was absolutely lovely!"

The others were not convinced. Lucy turned to Emily. "Emily, you've lived here for 10 years. Have you not seen it?" Lucy asked, hoping she wasn't going crazy.

"I didn't even know this room was here. I've never been allowed in here. I'm sorry, Lu." Emily spoke. It was nothing but the truth. This room didn't seem familiar at all.

Susan moved to the inside to see if Lucy was telling the truth. Edmund moved to the back to see if there was anything there, knocking at the wood.

Susan stepped out and turned towards Lucy. "Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe."

"Let me see." Emily moved inside the wardrobe and moving past all the coats to see there was, indeed, only the back of the wardrobe.

Emily frowned slightly before stepping back out of the wardrobe. "They're right Luce. There's nothing there. Just plain old wood." she gestured with her hand.

"One game at a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination." Peter said to Lucy. The four children began to walk back out of the spare room.

"But I wasn't imagining!" they all turned around abruptly, shocked, at the little girl's outburst.

"That's enough, Lucy." Susan warned. "I wouldn't lie about this." Lucy said, her voice cracking slightly. "Well, I believe you." Edmund stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"You do?" Lucy asked, frowning at her older brother. "Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?" he joked. Emily rolled her eyes.

"Oh, will you just stop? You just have to make everything worse, don't you?" Peter turned to his younger brother. "It was just a joke." Edmund defended. "When are you going to learn to grow up?" Peter asked.

"Shut up! You think you're dad but you're not!" Edmund stormed out of the room. "Well, that was nicely handled." Susan followed her younger brother out of the room. There was an awkward silence. "I'm gonna go.." Emily spun on her heel and walked out the room awkwardly.

Dinner was awfully quiet that night. Nobody talked. All you could hear was the sound of metal on the plates and the light patter of rain. Everyone was in their own thoughts.

Edmund was giving Peter glares across the table. Lucy didn't look up from her plate at her siblings.

Susan and Emily just shared glances, annoyed with their behaviour, but still keeping quiet. Neither of them wanted to start up an argument.

After dinner, nobody spoke and they all headed to their rooms to sleep. None of them uttered a word to each other.



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