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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷CHAPTER NINEˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act i)

-FAILED ESCAPE-——————————————ˏˋ°•*⁀➷CHAPTER NINEˏˋ°•*⁀➷(act i)

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EMILY STARED over the cliff at the rushing water below. It was now becoming warmer and the snow around them was turning greener, spots of snow could be seen here and there.

"It's so warm out.." Ginnerbrick exclaimed moving to take his fur coat off. The witch gave him a glare. "I'll go check the sleigh.." he turned to go 'check the sleigh'.

"Your Majesty." Emily looked over to see the witch's wolves dragging a fox. "We found the traitor." one of the wolves threw the fox onto the floor. "He was rallying your enemies near the shuddering woods." Maugrim explained.

"Ahh. Nice of you to drop in. You were so helpful to my wolves last night. Perhaps you can help me now." Edmund's eyes widened, looking from the Witch to the fox.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty." the fox apologised. "Oh, don't waste my time with flattery." the witch rolled her eyes.

"Not to be rude, but I wasn't actually talking to you.." the fox said looking towards Emily. The witch stared at Emily, twirling her wand in the her hand and walked up to the fox pointing her staff at him.

"Where are the humans headed?" the fox didn't answer. The witch raised her staff when Edmund ran in front. "Wait! No! Don't. The beaver said something about the stone table, and that Aslan had an army there." Edmund blurted out again. Emily cringed, turning her head away towards the waterfall. 'He doesn't realise what he's done again.'

"An army? Thank you, Edmund. I'm glad this creature got to see some honesty... before he dies." she froze the fox. She then turned to Emily who was standing with her back facing the cliff, smirking.

"What you smirking at, Princess?" Emily held two fingers to her head saluting the witch before leaning back off the cliff and falling into the cold water. "No!" Edmund shouted as he watched her fall back.

Emily's body hit the icy cold water. It felt like a thousand knives were stabbing her body. She swam up to the surface, coughing the water out of her lungs. She looked up at the cliff where she fell from to see Edmund looking down at her with relief.

The witch looked down at Emily, while she raised her middle finger up at the witch, smiling. Edmund lowered his head, smirking at her. The witch scoffed and dragged Edmund away from the cliff.

The witch let go of Edmund's arm, stopping him in his place. She raised her hand and back slapped him across the face. He held his cheek, which stung from the harsh impact from the witch.

The White Witch grabbed Edmund's chin, making him look at her. "Think about who's side you're on. Mine.." she moved his chin so that he was looking at the frozen fox and then Emily in the distance, swimming down the river as the current took her.

The witch let go of Edmund's face and stormed towards her sleigh. Tears glossed over Edmund's eyes as he looked over at the innocent fox. He was beginning to realise that he had a mistake. Multiple mistakes actually. He slowly made his way back to the sleigh as the travelled to god knows where.

Emily swam towards the bank to her right. She pulled herself onto the bank, laying on her back and looked up at the cloudy blue sky.

Emily stood up and began to walk through the woods, pushing back branches as she walked. She got to a small clearing where she saw wet coats hanging on some of the lower branches.

She walked up to the coats, knowing that they were Peter, Susan and Lucy's coats. 'They must be nearby' Emily thought to herself.

She kept walking through the woods when she bumped into a large creature. A minotaur to be exact. He noticed who she was and knocked her out with his weapon. And everything went black, again.

Emily woke up to bindings around her torso, her arms trapped underneath the ropes. She looked around at her surroundings, seeing that she was in a forest, possibly extremely deep into the forest.

It was particularly dark and it unsettled her. She leaned down and lifted her hands up as far as possible and pulled down her gauge, resting her head against the tree behind her, being able to breathe the cold air in.

Emily tried to reach behind her to see if anyone was with her. She felt the fabric of a jumper. "Edmund? Is that you?" she whispered, hoping it was him. "Em? You're alright!" she could barely hear what he said. She sighed in relief.

She heard the witch's servant mocking Edmund. Yet she couldn't do anything but sit and wait for something to happen. Her death or her rescue.

Out of nowhere, she heard something galloping, and felt herself being free and she was pulled onto something and galloping away and into a much brighter place.

It happened so fast that she could barely register what happened.



i never realised that rupert everett who portrays mr. fox was prince charming in shrek 2 and 3, stardust with ben barnes and the wild thornberry's, my favourite childhood movie of all times. how come i never knew this. did anyone else know this?

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