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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷CHAPTER SEVENˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act i)

-THE WHITE WITCH-———————————————ˏˋ°•*⁀➷CHAPTER SEVENˏˋ°•*⁀➷(act i)

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EMILY TRIED to be as quiet as possible while admiring the courtyard of the ice palace. There were frozen creatures everywhere. Why? She had no clue.

She saw Edmund turn around and quickly hid behind one of the taller creatures as quick as she could, hoping he hadn't seen her.

She heard a growl. Emily peeked out from her hiding spot to see Edmund pinned down by a wolf. "Be still, stranger, or you'll never move again." the wolf threatened. "Who are you?"

"I'm Edmund! I met the queen in the woods and she told me to come back here. I'm the son of Adam!" she could hear the panic in his voice. What the hell did he mean by that? Could it be the White Witch? Has he led me into a trap?

Emily thought before taking out the piece of paper and reading it over again muttering the words. She could hear the faint voice of the wolf before she couldn't hear them anymore.

"Hmm. My apologies, fortunate favourite of the queen. Or else, not so fortunate." the wolf moved away from Edmund.

Emily looked back from her hiding spot seeing Edmund reach the top of the tall, icy stairs. She quickly followed Edmund up the stairs.

She quietly hid behind a pillar making sure Edmund or the wolf couldn't see her. The wolf walked away, leaving Edmund all alone. She watched as he sat on the icy throne until a tall figure came into view with a smaller figure looking like a dwarf.

"Like it?" Edmund jumped from the throne startled at what the woman had said. "Uhh.. yes. Your majesty."

'Majesty? He's led me into a bloody trap.' Emily was furious, but she had to stay calm and keep her composure to not murder Edmund.

"Tell me, Edmund. Is Princess Emily stupid?" The Witch asked. Emily's anger turned into shock. He had really baited her out to bloody Elsa over there. "Well, no." Edmund answered, a slight smile on his face. "Are your sisters deaf?"

"No.." Edmund replied. "And your brother, is he.." she paused, inhaling a breath, "Unintelligent?" "Well, I think so. But mum says-" Edmund began.

"Then, HOW DARE YOU COME ALONE!" The Witch shouted making Emily jump and causing Edmund to step back. "I tried-"

"Edmund, I asked so little of you." The Witch sounded disappointed. "They just don't listen to me!" Edmund panicked, defending himself.

"Couldn't even do that." The Witch raised a brow, stepping closer to him. Emily was snapped out of her eavesdropping when she heard a growl.

She turned around to see a wolf. She gasped and then stepped back and tripped on a nearby stick and fell onto the icy floor. The piece of paper falling out of her pocket.

"Emily?" Emily snapped her head towards where she heard her name. Edmund stood looking at the girl in shock.

The Witch raised her eyebrow "I see you're not a total loss then. Tell me, where are the rest of them?" The Witch asked.

'Don't tell her, Ed. I'm begging you.' Emily muttered to herself as the dwarf walked over to her, picking up the piece of paper, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her towards the witch. He didn't answer.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. If you don't tell me, I shall kill the pretty princess right here. What's it gonna be son of Adam?"

Emily looked up at Edmund from the floor while the dwarf we holding her, preventing her from running away.

She gave him a pleading look. "Don't tell her" she mouthed to him, lightly shaking her head.

He looked down at her, and then back at the witch who was raising her wand at Emily. Emily closed her eyes, not wanting to see the witch's smirk on her face when she got killed.

"They're at the little house, at the dam, with the beavers." Edmund blurted out. Emily opened her eyes. 'You bloody idiot.' she sighed to herself "Well, thank you, Edmund." the witch turned on her heel, sitting back down on her throne.

"Well, I was wondering. Could I? Maybe, have some more turkish delight now?" he asked.

"What? You traded us for sweets?" Emily asked in disbelief. Edmund looked down feeling guilty. She couldn't believe him. He was so selfish.

"Our guests are hungry.." the witch turned towards the dwarf. Emily looked up confused, about to say she never said she was hungry but was cut off by the dwarf hitting his weapon across her head, knocking her out cold. She heard a faint "No!" before she blacked out.


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