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—4. Bang future Mark Zuckerberg

After school ended that day, Alex joined Ginny in going to Max's house to hang out

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After school ended that day, Alex joined Ginny in going to Max's house to hang out. They walked into the girl's room and Alex looked around, impressed.

"Your bedroom is amazing," Ginny confessed and Max chuckled in response.

"I know," Max replied confidently, earning a playful eye roll from Alex, "So, how are you two liking Wellsbury? Is it paradise?"

"It's weird," Ginny admitted and Alex nodded in agreement.

"I'm supposed to subtly and casually ask you two if you have boyfriends?" Max suddenly spoke up, causing Alex to smirk.

She tilted her head, a part of her wondering if she asking on behalf of Marcus or Kaden. She hoped it was Marcus.

"Hunter and Kaden want to know," Max replied, a part of her looking excited.

"Oh, uh...No, I don't. I've never had a boyfriend," Ginny confessed, smiling shyly, "I've never even kissed a guy. We move a lot, so I'm always the new girl."

"Please, guys love new girls," Alex scoffed, turning to look at her sister, "They're hot and mysterious."

"That sounds thrilling," Max commented, smiling excitedly at the thought.

"It is. I usually have all the guys wrapped around my little finger, but here..." Alex trailed off and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, it's different."

"Well, think about it like this. New town, new you," Max told them, smiling widely, "Like, you can utterly change your personality."

"You'd get along with our mother," Ginny commented, an amused look on her face.

"I would love to get along with your mother. God, she's so banging," Max confessed, earning an aggravated look from Ginny since she hated when people spoke of her mother like that.

"Ah! Well, welcome to the opinion of everyone who's ever met Georgia," Ginny stated, an aggravated look on her face.

"Georgia," Max repeated after Ginny, smiling slightly, "And you're Virginia? And you're Alexandria?"

"It's the city in Virginia where our mom had us," She informed Max in a calm tone, "Our brother's name is Austin. Our mom names after the places we were born."

"Poetic," Max replied, looking intrigued.

"I just can't believe she was with that guy," Ginny complained, causing Alex to turn to her in shock.

"You saw them too?" She asked in surprise and Ginny nodded.

"She always does this," Ginny continued to complain, causing Alex to sigh in annoyance, "She moves us around, and she meets a guy, and then they break up, so we have to move again. Or she meets a guy, and we have to move to go be with him. It's always about a freakin' guy! I guess I can't blame her for Kenny dying, but she promised this would be different. And what, noon on our first day in town?"

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