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— 17. Panic

   All her life, Alex seemed to be popular with the boys

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All her life, Alex seemed to be popular with the boys. She just had that way about her. She had gotten it from her mother. She had numerous boyfriends over the years and numerous sexual partners, her first one being when she was no more than twelve.

It hadn't been a good experience and many more after that weren't either.

Despite all of the people she had been with, she couldn't recall a time where she was truly in love. She had spoken the word many times to the boys she had been with but she had never truly meant it. It was just an empty word and she knew it was what they wanted to hear.

Many of them she did like, some more than others but she had never loved them. The only people she could ever truly recall loving were friends and family. They were her family. Her father, her brother, her sister, and most of all, her mother.

Of course, she loved claiming how much she hated Ginny and their father but she still loved them. Ginny was her twin. They shared a womb. As much as she hated the selfish girl at times, she was still family.

She loved Austin, too. The one male in her life who never once let her down. But he still had time to. He was only nine years old.

She loved her father, too, despite how she always seemed pissed at him. She seemed to treat her father the same way Ginny treated their mother. But Alex had her reasons. She was pissed at him for always leaving. She didn't care about the books he sent or the daily calls. She wanted him, not some partial version of him.

Most of all, she loved her mother. Oh, she loved her mother. She loved her mother more than anything. She idolized her. Georgia Miller seemed to be the only one in Alex's life who never let her down and Alex was grateful for that. Georgia seemed to be the only one who understood Alex. It made the girl feel less alone. And how alone she felt.

It didn't matter how many friends or boyfriends she had. She always felt alone. She felt empty, like something was missing. Everyone loved her names like "pothead", "alcoholic", "slut", "hoe", and "whore". She didn't care, though. They didn't know the whole story and they never would because they weren't worth the energy it would truly take her to truly tell it. In any case, they probably wouldn't understand anyway.

They wouldn't understand no matter how happy Alex seemed to be, she couldn't remember the last time she was genuinely happy for longer than a few minutes.

It was why she drank, smoked, and had so much sex. It gave her short bouts of euphoria and relief she so desperately needed.

But now, her reckless actions were forcing her to face consequences she never wished to face. She was pregnant. She was actually pregnant. It was something everyone always made comments about, that with the way she was going, she was bound to get pregnant at fifteen like her mother.

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