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—8. Framed

  The following day at school, Alex found herself walking down the hall with Max, Ginny, Marcus, and Padma

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The following day at school, Alex found herself walking down the hall with Max, Ginny, Marcus, and Padma. Kaden had texted her, saying he was going to be late that day, which meant she had to hitch a ride with Ginny, Max, and Marcus in Padma's car.

She caught Marcus staring at her numerous times during the car ride but never even looked in his direction, which he seemed to be annoyed by. She didn't care, though.

"My mom is so pissed that we lied," Max complained as she walked down the hallway with the group of four, "I'm so grounded, she almost didn't let me come for callbacks today," She paused, turning to Ginny and Alex with an alarmed look on her face, "What if she doesn't let me go to Sophomore Sleepover?"

"The hell is Sophomore Sleepover?" She asked, looking bored since it didn't seem like anything fun.

"Only the sexiest night of the year," Max informed them excitedly.

"It's when the sophomores sleep at school," Padma added in and Alex turned to frown at her since she couldn't understand how they could be any fun. The whole day at school, she found herself staring at the school, desperate for the bell to ring so that she could leave.

Why the hell would she want to spend the night in a place she loved to call Hell?

"It's what the sophomores get instead of prom," Padma continued, smiling widely, "I can't wait for Junior Prom."

She turned to smile at Marcus, who gave her a weird look. "Isn't that not until May?"

"You are such an asshole," Padma complained, kissing Marcus on the lips before walking in the direction of her first class.

Max turned to Ginny and Alex, acting as though she were throwing up at the sight of her brother and Padma kissing.

Alex sighed and looked over at Marcus. He was leaning against the lockers, too busy on his phone to pay attention to them.

"Well, we have to get to AP English before Mr. Gitten kills us. Have fun in Chem!" Max told Alex, grabbing Ginny's arm before they began to walk off.

"Bold of you to assume I'm actually going!" She called out to the two girls and while Max smiled at her, Ginny gave her a disapproving looking.

"Later, losers," Marcus told his sister and Ginny, not noticing Alex standing there.

She looked around, making sure Max, Ginny, and the usual group were nowhere in sight before she walked closer to Marcus.

"Hey, things have been mad weird between us lately and I wanted to clear things up between us before it gets any weirder," Alex spoke up in a confident tone.

"Things aren't weird," Marcus replied, not even bothering to look up from his phone as he spoke to her, which was what annoyed Alex the most.

"Yeah, they are. You haven't even said a word to me since we hooked up, so I think that counts for weird," She complained, which immediately led to Marcus looking over at her.

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