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— 12. Morally Grey

  About an hour had passed

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  About an hour had passed. Alex and Marcus were still in the locker room, sitting on the ground as they poured out their hearts to each other. Alex didn't know why but she found herself telling Marcus things she hadn't told anyone. She just felt comfortable around him. She couldn't explain it.

All the while, she was in just a bra and underwear. Not that either of them cared. Marcus had been right. It was nothing he hadn't seen before.

"It's so annoying. Everyone thinks I'm this confident badass that doesn't care about anything, but I do. I do care. More than they could ever know. I just bottle up and it always explodes at all the wrong times. Last time it happened, I literally shot a gun at a portrait of my step-dad and my mom. I smashed that thing so much and by the end of my tantrum, my mom had to get me stitches because I had stepped in so much glass and hadn't even realized it," She explained and Marcus listened to her closely.

"A gun?" He questioned, wondering why she'd be able to hold a gun and her mother did nothing about it.

"Don't ask," Alex told him and Marcus smiled since it was something she said often.

Don't ask.

It's fine, it's whatever.

If Marcus had a dollar for every time Alex said either of those things, he'd be a millionaire within a month.

"You and your step-dad didn't get along?" He asked and Alex's smile faded at the mention of Kenny.

"Understatement," She replied, rolling her eyes at the thought, "Let's just say when I learned of his death, I threw a big ass party at his house and invited my whole school and ended up spending the night in jail. My mom let me stay there, too, to teach me a lesson."

"Why'd you hate him?" Marcus asked and Alex turned to him, smiling sadly.

She stared down at him for a long moment. She had told no one but her mother about Kenny. Was it wise to tell Marcus? She barely even knew him. Despite that, though, she felt as though she had known him for years.

"He, uh, beat me and..." She trailed off, sighing as she looked downwards, "And other stuff."

"Other stuff?" Marcus frowned and Alex didn't say a word, only gestured downwards, "And you didn't tell anyone?"

"He died. That gave me enough comfort to last me a lifetime," She told him, letting out a large sigh, "But sometimes I wish he was still alive, so I could kill himself myself."

Just then, Alex froze. She turned to him, a part of her feeling afraid he'd realize she was being totally serious. He didn't, though. He simply stared at her, listening to everything she said without a single ouch of judgment in his expression.

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