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— 11. Comfort

  It wasn't long before Saturday arrived

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  It wasn't long before Saturday arrived. Alex stood near her mother and Ellen, watching Max and the rest of MANG walk over wearing their matching pajamas.

"Girls!" Ellen greeted them happily, "M-A-N-G. Ma...What's MANG?"

"MANG," Max corrected her mother, trying to control her annoyance, "Like Wang. Can you just, like, not?" She complained, seeing the looks she was getting, "But I love you, and I'm super grateful to be here."

"MANG, like Mango," Norah's mother spoke up, smiling at each of the girls.

"Mom, no," Norah argued, shaking her head.

"Maybe Ellen and I should make matching shirts," Georgia proposed, meaning closer to Ginny solely to taunt her.

"That'd be hot," Alex replied, causing Georgia to smile at her daughter.

"Are you trying to embarrass me?" Ginny complained, giving her an annoyed look.

"You're the G in MANG, and I'm embarrassing?" Georgia retorted, causing Alex to chuckle.

"She's got a point," Alex agreed with her mother and Ginny shot her a glare, hating how Alex always took their mother's side and made matters worse.

"Jesus, lighten up," Georgia sighed, noticing the glares Ginny was shooting her and Alex.

"Just don't talk about any of your ex-husbands or boyfriends, and, oh my God, do not talk to my friends about their sex lives," Ginny complained in a hushed tone, "And don't flirt with the students or other parents. And, please, don't hotbox a classroom."

Georgia sighed, giving Ginny an annoyed look. "Your sister and I only did that once."

"Mom, please," Ginny replied, sighing in annoyance.

Georgia's smile faded, realizing Ginny was being serious. "I didn't realize I was a liability," She commented and Ginny continued to glare at her, "Fine, I'll stay out of your way, G."

Ginny scoffed, walking off with her friends.

Alex watched her sister walk away, glaring daggers into her back. "Such a buzzkill. Don't worry, Mom," Alex spoke up, smiling as she wrapped an arm around her mother, "Ignore her. You could never be embarrassing. I mean, look at you! You're the hottest mom here."

Georgia smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead. "You're the best, you know that?"

"Yeah, you've only told me a thousand times but please..." She trailed off, turning to smirk at her mother, "Keep going."

Georgia chuckled, playfully slapping Alex on the butt as her daughter walked off. "No funny business tonight, alright? Not on my watch!" She called out and Alex turned to send her mom a small smile before she continued to walk away.

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