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It's the summer now, in the middle of July. Ella had spent her last month of college studying nonstop for her exams. I helped her with business management while she didn't need much help with photography obviously. She passed her classes and we went out and celebrated with a few drinks with Quinn, Addy, Brittany, and Julia. Which ended with Ella and I going home early to celebrate privately, if you know what I mean. We went to the beach a lot and spent a lot of time with Kaleb. Kaleb absolutely adores Ella and I couldn't be more happy or thankful about it. His second birthday also came and rolled around. There were more tears again with a lot of nagging from Quinn and Addy about how I'm a wuss. Ella made sure to give them a slap to the head. It was now July twenty-seventh, one day before Ella and I's one year. I was planning what to do tonight before Ella came over. I swear she's always over here, but I sent her home to get some more of her own clothes and she was going to spend the night again while my mom took Kaleb for a few days. A knock on the door brought my out of my thoughts as I placed the last thing on the table. As soon as I opened the door a body flew right against me, pulling me in for a hug.

"I missed you Kodi Lee," she murmured into my neck. I smiled and snaked my arms around her waist.

"I missed you too love." I pulled her in for a soft kiss and took her into the living room. "I know I'm not exactly a good cook. My book really only consists of macaroni, dino nuggets, and sandwiches," she gave me a warm smile, "but I ordered some pizza and takeout and I took some of Kenny's wine and we have some video games waiting for us." She pulled me into another hug and gave me a long lasting kiss.

"This is perfect. Thank you baby." She kissed my cheek and sat down at the coffee table to take a carton of noodles and chicken and get a piece of pizza. "Ready for me to kick your ass in Mario Kart?" I joined her at the table.

"In your dreams Adams." I grabbed a control and took a bite of noodles and got the game up. She went for Yoshi and I picked Princess Peach.

"Peach? Seriously!?" She shouted, I looked at her.

"What? You got a problem with her?"

"No," she mumbled into her noodles. I smiled at her.

"I mean.. jealous possibly? She is a hot blonde." She smacked my arm and I laughed out loud.

"Maybe a little jealous.. She's the one all the boys had a crush on in middle school. Everybody loves her. I don't like it. She's just so whiny. I don't like her."

"What the hell? Whiny?"

"She acts all like the damsel in distress! The only cool thing she can do is float for a few seconds in that one Mario Game. Like big whoop."

"That's just rude. Fine I'll change it." I moved over and picked Bowser instead.

"What no! Lee you don't have to do that, I'm sorry." I shrugged and smiled at her.

"I don't mind. It's nice to have a change. It's about time I gave another character a shot at this." I was about to confirm and move on until she stopped me.

"Wait! Hold on! Hold on!" Ella yelled, moving her cursor over and selecting Princess Peach.

"Wait what the hell? I thought you didn't like her?"

"I don't," she shrugged, "but if your character is going to be kidnapping anybody it might as well be my character." My cheeks turned a little pink at the thought.

"I don't think it works like that El. They're just racing."

"Same differences. If you're Bowser than I want to be Peach."

"Um, shouldn't you want to be Peach if I were Mario?" I furrowed my brows. I'm confused.


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