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"I want to visit you Kodi. I was going to come out once I heard the news, but mom said you'd be fine and I could come out after you're better." I smiled and continued to cut the potatoes, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder.

"I appreciate the thoughts Taylor, but I'm okay. I feel much better honestly. My stomach has healed well. The only thing that can be a problem is my thigh at times, but I'm taking it easy, and I have nightmares here and there, but it's all good." I put the potatoes in the pot of water and set it on the stove. I looked at Ella who was seasoning some chicken and smiled as I leaned on the counter.

"You can call me whenever you need you know that right? We don't talk much anymore besides texting. I miss you," she said softly. I frowned.

"I miss you too. You're my best friend. I've been busy though with a lot of stuff, but guess what. I'm coming out there for Thanksgiving next week, I promise, and if Ella's parents let her she's coming with me and Kaleb." Ella turned to me and gave me an award winning smile as she listened to me.

"Oh thank god. I was about to just come down after Thanksgiving if you weren't going to." I chuckled at her.

"I've been away from you for far too long, and I haven't seen my other mom and Smyth in like a year. I really want to see them. I was thinking maybe you guys come down for New Years? At the beach they always have a few bonfires and fireworks when the ball drops. It'a awesome."

"I'm sure I would be able to." I smiled but furrowed my brows when she didn't include Smyth. The smile reappeared back on my face when I remembered a certain something.

"So how's your one situation going?" I smirked. "What's her name? Amanda?"

"It's Amelia, but yeah it's.. going."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I furrowed my brows. Ella put the chicken in the oven and then wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and rubbed her back.

"We talked and she agreed to take it slow seeing as I haven't been with a girl before or felt this way about one." I smiled brightly.

"So you're actually going to date? Oh my god bro. I mean I've always had a feeling you liked girls, like at least a little bit, but I never thought it would actually happen. This is freaking great!" She laughed on the other end.

"Yeah, I guess it kind of makes sense now that I think of some things I've done. You can meet her when you come over for Thanksgiving." I opened my mouth.

"She's coming over for Thanksgiving?"

"Well, I-I don't know. I mean- maybe? We'll see, but if not, you can still meet her. I could- uh, bring her to pick you up at the airport," she spluttered.

"Well aren't you a little gay mess," I teased. "I think that would be great. I can't wait to meet her." Ella's hands started to roam my body and I bit my lip.

"Hey! I don't think I'm gay. I'd say I'm bi," she shot. My chuckle died in my throat as Ella's lips landed on my neck and sucked gently. My heart sped up as she started getting closer to my pulse point. I coughed, remembering I was on the phone.

"That's great Tay. Look I got to go, but I'll text you and I'm coming down for the holidays so I'll see you soon. I love and miss you, bye bye," I hung up and placed my phone on the counter just as Ella reached my spot. I moaned and I felt her smile against my neck. "Seriously El? While I'm on the phone?"

"Well I wanted some attention, and plus, we have fifty minutes till the food is ready, I'm pretty sure we can get done before then," she whispered and smashed her lips into mine for a heated kiss that sent me off the rails.

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