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"Momma momma!" I heard Kaleb yelling for me from somewhere in the house. I chuckled as I grabbed the plates of food and making my way back into my room.

There sat Ella holding Kaleb by his wrists. "What're you doing?" I asked curiously as I sat the food down beside her. Kaleb's bright eyes met mine and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Momma!" He tried to wiggle out of Ella's grasp but she wouldn't let him.

"Kaleb sit still," she demanded. "You're gonna ruin the nail polish."

"Did you paint my sons nails?" I ask. She smiled sheepishly at me as she turned Kaleb around to face me.

Kaleb squealed and held out his hands, smiling widely, "momma! boo! boo!"

I looked at his nails which were painted blue, I assume 'boo', is 'blue.'

"Aw baby, they're so pretty," I coo. "You can paint your nails whenever you want buddy. Come here."

I laugh as he stands right in front of me, I scoot back, and grab his hands to gently blow on them. He laughs and tries to wiggle out, but I don't let him. "I'm trying to dry these faster baby. Hold still."

He complies but keeps his little smile on his face. I turn to look at Ella who is painted her nails purple. Her favorite color. "Cute color. Are you gonna paint mine?"

She looks up at me and smiles, "what color would you like gorgeous?"

My cheeks heat up as I swallow down the butterflies fluttering in my stomach, "Do you have red?"

She nods, "I'll do them after mine dry okay?"

I turn my attention back to Kaleb who is watching the television intently. I lightly tap the nails, seeing they're dry. I let him go and he smiles and goes for the food I brought. I laugh as he grabs a crackers and starts trying to eat it. He grabs the juice box, looking at it quizzically.

He comes over to me and Ella and holds it out, I place the straw in and hand it to him, "don't squeeze it." I warn him. He plops down on my lap and I hug him to me. He's getting bigger. I frown at the thought.

"You're a good mom," I hear Ella say as she does her last nail. She looks up at me and smiles, "I really like seeing you guys interact. It's the sweetest thing."

I smile and thank her. "Did you think I was a whore?"

"What?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowed.

"You said you always heard crying and I'd hang up the phone before we met. So I assumed you knew I had a kid, you just didn't say anything. Did you think I was a whore?" I covered Kaleb's ears again. Earmuffs children. Bad language about.

She frowned, "it never crossed my mind. So no, and I still don't think that."

I nod my head and bite my lip, "do you like kids?"

"I mean.. they're okay I guess. I like some, how about that. Kaleb being one of them. Just some are annoying and I can't stand them."

I nodded in understanding, "Some can be a handful, and really annoying. It kinda just depends on who the parents are and how you raise them."

"You're doing a wonderful job with Kaleb," she says. "He's a good kid."

"He's only one too. I'm excited to see him grow up, but you know, at the same time I want him to stay little forever." I brush his hair to the side.

"Are you gonna want more kids in the future?" She asks randomly after some silence.

"Oh for sure. I'll take at least one more. But I don't mind having more. I guess it depends on who I marry." I shrug. "What about you?"

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