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Kodi was having a rough day. Better yet, a rough week. Better yet, a rough past two days. She stayed home to watch their four kids while Ella went to Florida for a photography gig. It was a huge wedding for her. Some celebrity called her down and asked her. Ella was going to decline it, but Kodi encouraged her to go. Ella didn't want to leave Kodi alone with four kids, almost all under ten years old. Especially now that their new daughter, Mila, is only five months old.

She had to go down for the rehearsal dinner and then stayed for the wedding the next day. Though, she went a day earlier because the wedding was actually close to where Ronny lived and she wanted to spend a day with him.

She's supposed to be coming back tonight. Good thing too, because Kodi is about ready to pull her hair out.

Kaleb has been playing soccer in the house, where he has knocked down a picture frame and cracked it, and he also kicked it right into Oliver's head yesterday. Kodi took away Kaleb's soccer ball after that. Oliver has yet to come out of his room since, only to go to the bathroom, to get his dinner, and tell Kodi things like, eat something healthy, and take a deep breath. Which she thought was weird.

Charlie has drawn all over the walls and threw a vase to the ground. Kodi had to clean the walls twice to get the color out and got a cut on her hand from cleaning up the glass. She doesn't understand why she's acting out.

Mila has thrown her new baby food her parents are starting to introduce to her, at Kodi at least seven times. She won't eat and she keeps crying.

Kodi rubs her face harshly before knocking on Oliver's door again. She was finally able to get Charlie and Mila down for a nap and Kaleb decided to give her mom a break and actually play outside.

"Ollie?" Kodi started softly. "Can I come in?" She listened carefully and sighed. She opened the door slowly and went in anyways. He looked up and smiled.

"Hi momma. Sorry, I'm doing research." She smiled at him. He has loved school ever since he started. He's going to be her little genius. She sat down beside him in bed and looked at his IPad, a gift on his sixth birthday the past month.

"What's that?" She read the name as best as she could. Dromornithidae. He scrunched his eyebrows up.

"Um.. I don't know how to say it, but it's like a giant duck! Only can't fly." He grew excited and started using his hands. "They're from Australia and went extinct fifteen million years ago. Their nickname is 'demon duck.' I think it's super cool!" Kodi listened intently to her son and ran her fingers over his back.

"That's awesome Ollie. Now, I want to ask you something." He nodded his head and glanced at her. "Why haven't you come out of your room? Did Kaleb hurt you that bad? Are you mad at him? I think I punished him enough by taking away his ball." He shook his head.

"There was a lot going on. Mommy told me and Kaleb to take it easy on you while she was gone. So that's what I was doing! I made less work for you." She frowned lightly. "I don't know what Kaleb was doing messing around, I think he made you more mad or whatever the word is.. He was only trying to keep Mila occupied while you dealt with Charlie. Charlie was bad..." She nodded in thought. "Oh! It's anxious! Mommy didn't want you to be anxious." He grabbed his IPad again and went through his tabs. "See look, I looked it up. It says do these things to not get it. Mommy said it can be bad if she's not here to help and I didn't want that to happen." Kodi sniffled and wiped away a year that escaped her eye. She pulled him into her and gave him a big hug.

"You are the smartest and sweetest kid ever. You know that? I love you. Thank you so much, baby." She peppered his head with kisses and he giggled, pushing her away.

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