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I was kind of freaking out. It was a few days before Kaleb's birthday and I don't even know how to come about this. Is there a certain amount of people that come to a one year olds birthday? Do I decorate the house? I don't know what's happening.

I've decided to make him a white cake, and I got a cake for the rest of us, half chocolate half white.

I put Ken, Emily, Kyler, Ella, Mike, Julia, Olivia, Brittany, Quinn, Sammy, Tyler and Devin in a group chat.

I got Ella's friends numbers when they were over.

I just need to know who's all coming. I'm kinda freaking out here.

Emily: Aw Kode! Ken, Kane and I will be there 💘

Olivia: Count me in

Devin: Tyler and I work on the 3rd. We won't be able to make it :(

Ella: I'll be there for sure! Should I get him a present? :)

Sammy: I'm out of town, I can't come either :(

Brittany: Quinn and I are going

Kyler: Of course I'll be there bitch. Me and Sarah 🤪

I rolled my eyes at Kyler's response.

Kodi: Thank you for letting me know! You guys don't have to get him anything if you don't want. I'm not even sure how to do this. Like is 20 people too many for a one year olds birthday?

Emily: That's barely anything, do you remember Kane's party? I had like 50 🤣

Ella: I'll get him a little present

Kyler: Mom was talking about buying balloons to put around the house

Kenny: I'll bring the booze! 🍻

Emily: Kenneth Kyle!

Kodi: This is a baby's birthday party Kenny.

Kenny: I meant for us after. Chill out. Damn, I'm about to get pummeled by this woman.

Olivia: I need to get drunk

Julia: I won't be able to make it, but tell Kaleb happy birthday for me!

Kodi: Well we're also having a party tomorrow, you can wait to get drunk then

Olivia: booooo👎🏼 lame

Kodi: I just want this to be perfect okay. and I don't want to deal with y'all today and tomorrow if you get drunk

Olivia: yeah yeah we get it

Kodi: Well thank youu guys for letting me know! I'll see you in a few days <3


"This hurts like a mother fucker," Kodi seethed as she held tighter. Kodi saw her mom shake her head out of the corner of her eyes at her daughters language, but ignored it as she was in pain, she was the same way, swearing like a sailor. She continued to rub her shoulders.

"Jesus christ Kode! Ease up on the hand. You're gonna break my bones," Kyler breathed out as Kodi had a death grip on her hand.

"Come on mamma, another push. You're almost there. He's almost out," the doctor called out. Kodi pushed with everything she had as a scream ripped through her. She heard cries fill the room and she breathed out in relief and collapsed back onto the bed. She closed her eyes for a moment and she felt her mom wipe a cold towel across her forehead. She had done it. She gave birth. She gave fucking birth to a baby.

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