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"Take that box," Ella instructed.

We just got to her college and I'm helping her move in. I'm not sure why she chose the day before class started to move in, but whatever.

I grabbed two boxes and picked them up.

"Jesus what do you have in here? Bricks?" I huffed.

Ella sent me a glare as she opened the door.

"Yeah Kodi. Along with the cement and tools. I'm planing on building a wall so you can't come see me."

My mouth hung open as she found her dorm room.

"Now that's just plain rude. What got shoved up your ass this morning?" I set the boxes on the empty bed, completely disregarding the fact that I think there was someone else in there.

"I'm stressed okay?" She said and walked into my arms.

I chuckled as I put mine around her waist and waved at the person sitting on the bed.

She had olive skin, cute glasses perched on her nose, and dark brown curly hair that was up in a bun.

She smiled at me as Ella released me and turned around.

"Oh hi," Ella said. "I'm sorry I didn't see you. I'm Ella."

"Hi I'm Molly," the girl said. Her voice sounded small. "Uh this is actually my cousins room, I was just waiting for her."

"Oh! So you're not my roommate?" Molly shook her head no as the door opened.

"You ready to go Mol? Your mom wants you home- Oh hey. I'm Addy."

The girl, apparently named Addy looked similar to Molly, both girly but Addy didn't have glasses, and she had a lighter brown color of hair instead and she seemed louder and more out there.

They introduced each other, finding out they're roommates.

"Who's this?" Addy nodded her head towards me.

"That's Kodi, my girlfriend," Ella smiled at me.

My heart gushed.

"Girlfriend aye? That's cool. No hate here," Addy smiled. "I was actually just going to take Molly home. You can settle in and I'll be back. We can get to know each other."

Ella nodded her head and they headed out.

"Come on. Chop chop we got more boxes," Ella clapped.

I groaned and obliged her orders.

"You say you've been skipping out on workouts. This can be your workout," Ella stated as we grabbed more boxes.

We got back into her room and I finally looked around. A small but tall bed on either side of the room, a big empty space below them so you can put stuff under it, two desks beside the beds, two small closets at the end of them and a big window right in the middle.

"This is a bit dinky," I say and set the boxes down.

"I can make it cozy," Ella smiled.

I laid down on the bed, "oh geez. You're gonna have back problems with this."

It wasn't very soft and it was a little on the hard side.

Ella straddled my hips, and laid down on me, her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around me, and her legs at my sides.

I wrapped my arms around her as I said, "I can just use you as my bed for right now."

I chuckled as I massaged her head, "I can't stay the night here all the time."

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