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"Kaleb! You're not allowed playing soccer in the house, take it outside. If Grey follows you, let him play." Ella scolded the nearly seven year old and gave him a look. Kaleb sighed and headed towards the back door. "And don't leave the yard! I don't care if your ball goes out in the street, come get me and I will get it." He nods at her words and heads outside. Oliver peeked at him from over the couch where he's watching his show, but makes no move to follow his brother. He plops back down on the couch and Ella sighs in relief.

She would be worrying if he was outside with no supervision. Kaleb isn't very trustworthy of watching his siblings yet. A cooing brought her out of her thoughts and she turned to her daughter.

"I'm sorry, baby. Am I not paying enough attention to you?" She fed her daughter a little spoon of cereal with breast milk. She ate it happily before sticking her fingers in her mouth.

"It's my favorite girls!" Kodi emerged into the kitchen, setting down her purse. She went over to the little girl and ran a hand over her head of blonde. Charlotte Rose Cooper-Adams, other known as Charlie. Charlie came out with a head full of blonde hair and brown eyes. Her parents absolutely adore her and Ollie is quite infatuated with her as well. Kaleb could care less. He plays with her when he has nothing else to do, but that's about it. He loves her though. "Hi there Char," Kodi cooed at the little girl.

"You do know that's breast milk right babe?" Ella spoke up when Kodi gently cleaned off some milk on the little girls chin with her lips. Kodi looked at her.

"I mean I have tasted it before, directly from the source too. Maybe my cereal will taste better if I use Ella milk instead of regular milk. Can we try that sometime?" Ella's eyes bulged from her head.


"What? I'm being honest. Charlie doesn't mind sharing. Do ya?" She smiled back down at the girl who gurgled at her and hit her hands on the table in front of her. "No seriously, can I get a drink later?" Kodi winked playfully at her wife while Ella rolled her eyes.

"Stop that. You're impossible."

"You know what? I'll take that as a maybe." Kodi smiled innocently at the blonde before moving around Charlie's chair to give her a proper kiss. "Hi, love. I missed you today."

"I missed you," Ella mumbled against her lips. "What'd you and Jada do today?" Kodi went into the fridge and opened up a water.

"We wrote a few more lines for this new song and we talked release dates for... my next album!" Ella beamed at the girl.

"Really!? Lee baby that's awesome, I'm so proud of you." She grabbed Kodi's hand and pulled her into her for a hug. "I can't wait to hear it."

"Want a sneak peek?"

"Only if you want to give me one."

"Of course! Are you kidding? You're the only one on the outside of the studio who's allowed to have one. Oh, and the kids too. Speaking of, where's Grey? I seen Kaleb out in the yard. He's getting really good at soccer."

"Oliver should be watching tv." Ella fed Charlie another spoon full of her cereal. Kodi made her way into the living room and plopped down next to her son.

"Hey bud, anything good on?" Ollie nodded his head and scooted over to lean against his mother. She frowned slightly and put her arm around the boy, playing with his hair a little bit. "You okay?"

"Sleepy," he mumbled. She nodded in thought.

"Did you take your nap today?" He shook his head.

"Kaleb was playing, so I wanted to play too."

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