Chapter 39

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A/N: A couple of days late, but happy Valentine's Day!  ♡ ♥ ♡


Nathaniel's POV

So many people and we are not yet in the yard, I thought as my parents – yes, my father too – my twin and I neared the Johnson's residence. There were many decorations on our street – all the houses were laden with lights and garlands and so were the trees – but the Johnson's family had outdone everyone. Maybe it was the huge snow globes which glowed in different colors, maybe it was the giant snowman – they'd probably used a ladder to place the top hat on the six foot five snow sculpture – or maybe it was the wooden sleight with the ceramic deers, one of which had a shining red nose, of course; I didn't know which awed me the most but judging by my mother's flat smile I'd say she wasn't happy with the display and I knew we'd be going shopping for more lavish decorations first thing in the morning and mounting them in our garden as soon as we got back.

From the moment we stepped into the yard, I began to look for the familiar bleached head. I knew Hunter would be here; Val had assured me that he would even though Betty would not show up. The lack of the aunt made me wonder why the nephew would come; I doubted it was because he wanted to socialize with our neighbors. I began to suspect it had something to do with my presence. Did I dare to hope that was the case?

Should I?

After all, the mere thought of being with him had me panicking.

But if I had to be honest with myself: I hoped. Why else would I spend over half an hour in front of the mirror to prepare myself?

I shaved, my hair was rinsed and combed, my teeth were washed twice, I had put on my favorite dark blue turtleneck which Hunter claimed that I looked hot in... I'd even clipped my nails and who would pay attention to that?

No one. Yet I'd made sure not a single part of me was neglected while I was getting ready.

"Quite a turnout." The jealousy in my mother's voice was barely contained, but our hostess, who'd come to greet us as soon as we'd walked into her house, either didn't hear it or chose not to.

"Oh, you should've seen the crowd last year, Lydia! There were so many that we had to send part of the guest over to the Andrews'; we just couldn't fit everyone in," Mrs. Johnson commented, pointing to the house to the right. "Can I take your coats? I'll leave them up in the bedroom."

"Thank you!" My father was the first to forsake the top clothing and we all followed his example, me in a hurry. I was already beginning to sweat; the presence of so many guests was making the air stifling. Or was it nerves?

I had yet to find Hunter, but perhaps that was a good thing; I still didn't know what I'd do once I did.

I felt a jab in my ribcage and turned to my sister in annoyance. Whatever she was planning tonight, she was on her own; I had enough worries as it was to be dealing with her shenanigans. She was pointing at a brown-haired figure, partially hidden by those around it. At first, I could not make out why she was smiling but then I noticed what that figure was wearing: a cream colored sweatshirt. The owner of said clothing turned around, eyes scanning through the crowd until they fell on me. The smirk, that painfully familiar tilt of the left corner of his lips, greeted me from the familiar face; a face which seemed strange under dark hair. He tilted his head, beckoning me to join him before disappearing behind one of the biggest Christmas trees I'd seen in a private home.

I looked towards my parents – they were talking to each other – and then at my sister who gave me an encouraging nod. If I were to talk to Hunter – something I desired and feared – it would be best if I did it in relative privacy, somewhere where we won't be heard but also where we wouldn't be completely alone; I was not sure what may happen if we were to end up in a room together with no one else around.

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