Chapter 5

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A/N: Dedicated to seawaneka. Thank you for your support! 



Vallery’s POV

I walked through the hallway, thinking about how much my schedule sucked.

Not only did I have almost no classes with my twin, but I had to share a lot with that religious weirdo Matthew who apparently had made it his mission to preach to me every time he got the chance in order to try and save my soul. That boy was becoming a problem and I had no idea how long I’d be able to keep my cool and thus my promise to Nat; I just wished to smack that sermonizing bastard so badly! One punch and he’d probably declare me the Devil’s spawn and therefore beyond salvation and leave me the heck alone.

The rest of Nat’s soon to be friends were okay, except for the Chatter Box; she was giving me a headache with her constant babbling. It was even worse than what my mom did and that was saying something. How did the others from their group endure having lunch with Karen each school day? Especially Kaylyn; she barely said a word to anyone. And whenever she did, it seemed she was doing it because she had to, not because she wanted to.

The coolest of the bunch had to be Dustin. The boy was a charmer and not only because he was total eye candy with his fit body; not to mention those grey eyes went so well with his light brown skin. He had a good sense of humor, could make small talk without it seeming forced and most importantly – he knew when to shut up. He also got bonus points for being playfully flirty instead of coming off as a creep or nuisance.

And then there was Irene, of course; the reason why my brother got initiated into that group. The two of them seemed to get more than well. She was smart and down-to-earth – two things my brother appreciated. He liked to play it safe; I was the one who enjoyed taking risks.

I was now at the parking lot. Nat and I were to meet here so mom could pick us up before we all went shopping. It wasn’t amongst my favorite activities when accompanied by my mother but hey, I needed new clothes. I searched for her car or for any signs of my brother but with no success. Most of the people had left already so the lot was almost empty. The last class had ended about twenty minutes ago. I was late to get out because I’d been discussing with my teacher my “unacceptable behavior” which she “would not tolerate” and if it continued she would not only send me to the Principal but would make sure I’d get detention for the rest of the month.

And all I’d done was to comment on her attire and to politely advise her to burn all her clothes because her lack of fashion sense was an eyesore.

“Looking for a ride?”

I wished I had not turned around to see who’d asked me that. A varsity jacket and a cocky every-girl-would-be-so-lucky-if-I-banged-her smirk; I was now about to talk to the American teenage jock cliché. Just what I needed after surviving Matthew, Karen and a bunch of idiotic teachers.

“So?” He prompted, leaning on his black Dodge Charger. “A hottie like you shouldn’t walk.”

Did he think the look he was giving me was supposed to be seductive?

Narrowing his eyelids like that made him seem drowsy. The car on the other hand was something I to be admired but even that wouldn’t make me accept a ride from a sleazebag like him.

“You like it?” He ran his hand over the smooth surface of the hood. “It’s not borrowed; it’s mine. It’s a real man’s car.”

“You’re right; this is a real man’s car.” I grinned and he mirrored my expression, thinking for a moment he had me hooked.“So how come a boy like you is driving it?”

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