Chapter 24

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Nathaniel’s POV

I could never understand what the big deal with kissing was.

I got holding hands and I got hugging; they felt nice. Being close to another human being felt nice. But kissing on the mouth had a very different connotation.

It wasn’t only with Irene; it had been the same with every girl I’d ever kissed. At first it was okay, sometimes even pleasant, but after a while it just got boring; our mouths were repeating the exact same movements, another person’s saliva was all over my mouth and I never knew what to do with my hands.

Should I put them on the girl’s waist, around her neck, what?

And what if after a few kisses, she decided she wanted more?

Kissing had never been a turn on for me. On the contrary, it made me nervous, reluctant even, and I always found myself plotting some way to get out of the situation. Actually, one of my longest relationships lasted because the girl I’d been dating had a bunch of younger siblings who always interrupted us; to her annoyance and to my relief.

So now I wasn’t thinking of a way to push Irene off because of Irene herself; it was just that she’d been in my lap, kissing me for minutes.

I pondered on telling her we had school in the morning so we should call it a night, but she was at my house and it would sound as if I was trying to kick her out; I could’ve told her that I’d gotten hungry and got myself down to the kitchen for some snacks, but once eaten, she could resume her smooch attack; I could’ve told her I had an assignment to finish due tomorrow but I’d already informed her that I’ve done all my homework…

She let out a breathy moan and I knew I had to stop her now or she would no longer be satisfied with making out.

I placed my hands on both sides of her waist and pushed her away.

“I have to use the bathroom,” I mumbled, getting off the chair and heading for said room.

So far, so good, I thought as I splashed my face with water, not bothering to dry it with a towel afterwards.

I examined my face in the mirror; what a cliché, looking at yourself in that reflective surface while contemplating on the events in your life!

True, a cliché, but I had no make sure I appeared… normal.

Teenage boys didn’t find making out with teenage girls annoying; they didn’t see it as a chore which they had to put up with once in a relationship; teenage boys disliked sentimental kisses on the forehead let’s say, but enjoyed making out; teenage boys found that a turn on.

Was I somehow too damaged to see the appeal in that?

Maybe I was asexual; it would explain why I had never gone further than kissing. It would not explain Hunter Harris though.

With a sigh, I turned around and leaned my back on the sink.

Hunter did not turn me on to the extent of making me hard but my body certainly reacted to him. Blushing, an irregular heart beat and breathing rate were the least of my problems; it was the tremors and the little jolts of electricity that were troubling me. When a person startled, it was as if something in jumped inside their chest; a similar, startling, yet not unpleasant jounce was what I’d felt at his touch last Saturday.

It had started around the middle of my chest, where the heart was, then the feeling had spread to the point where I could feel tingles at the top of the fingers of my shaking hands. It was a new sensation, one I did not know how to interpret, but I was sure it was one which I should not experience with a member of my gender. It had alarmed me to the point that I’d called my girlfriend and arranged to meet her that evening and the following evening, and the evening after that… All evenings until today, Wednesday.

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