Chapter 28

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A/N: Dedicated to all Hunt Me Down fans. Have a blast during the holidays! <3




Nathaniel’s POV

I was in awe. The sun had long set and the town was at its brightest; neon colors, light chasing each other on signs that bid you welcome to their affiliated establishments… And people… Swarms of Vegas citizens and tourists from all races imaginable; I had never seen a place so buzzing with life except for the bazaars in India and we were only at the outskirts of the town.

“The cabs here cost a fortune,” Val grumped as she joined Hunter and me at the front of our hotel.

“I don’t see why you are complaining; I am paying,” I commented, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Hunt is paying his fair share,” she pointed out.

“That’s hardly the point, Val.” I shook my head but she just patted me on the shoulder on her way in.

“Come on, let’s go to our room.”

Rooms,” I corrected and she paused, turning to me with raised eyebrows. “You said ‘room’; as in singular.”

“Do we look wealthy enough to get individual rooms?” My sister rolled her eyes and I gaped at her. Not that she saw me; she was already making her way to the sign-in desk.

“We are also sharing a bed,” Hunter murmured in my ear before he followed her inside.

“We are what?” I shouted after them but neither replied. Val wouldn’t do this to me, would she? Then again she did steal my money and emotionally blackmailed me to come here.

As it turned out, there was one thing to make me go to Vegas with Hunter Harris and that thing was Vallery. She’d said she’d go with or without me and I dreaded what she might get into if I wasn’t there, especially when teamed up with the charming menace our blond neighbor was.

“Don’t worry! He promised to try and behave when it came to you while we are in Vegas,” she’d tried to reassure me once I agreed to come with them. But that hadn’t brought me much of a consolation; he’d said that he always kept his promises – and so far that had been true – but his presence was enough to make me uneasy and one look by him was all it took for my pulse to start racing.

So no, I was not happy to spend a weekend in Vegas with Hunter Harris and I was more than displeased at the news of having to share a bed with him. As I begrudgingly walked inside the hotel, I prayed there was a couch I could sleep on in our room. I was so caught up in my plans of finding possible resting places, that I had forgotten all about our fake ID-s until I reached the sign-in desk and was asked to provide mine. I startled but Val was quick to step in:

“I have his in my purse,” she said to the man behind the desk and showed him the card. He studied it, then scrutinized me, before nodding and writing some information in the sign-in forms. I let out a shaky breath of relief as he turned them around and slid them Val’s way so she could sign them.

“That’s one big TV,” my sister pointed out and the man’s twisted about ninety degrees to where the machine was.

“Yeah, we’ll be watching the football game on it later,” he shrugged and turned back to us just as Val finished with the papers.

American football, you mean,” she corrected and the man raised an eyebrow.

“That’s what I said,” he murmured, his eyes reading the forms for one last check.

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