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I woke several hours later wrapped around Cullen's muscular body. I blinked my eyes several times, making sure I wasn't still dreaming.

A smile slowly crept up onto my face as I lightly rubbed down his chest. He slowly started to stir awake, shifting his body so that he was facing me.

His eyes still closed, he held a smile on his face as well.

"Good Morning."

He spoke softly in his gravelly morning voice.

"Good Morning."

I watched his hazel eyes come into focus, staring into them. He chuckled at me, wrapping his large arms around me, pulling me back into him.

"Did you sleep well?"

He hummed out, snuggling into me.

"Yes. Best I've slept in a very long time." I admitted. "How about you?"

"I've barely slept without you, honestly. This was the best I've slept in over a year." Cullen pulled back, looking me in the eyes. I felt that pang of guilt again.

"As much as I don't want this moment to end, I really want to have that talk, Cullen. I want to explain." I whispered out. He nodded, slowly releasing me and sitting up. He ran his hand through his hair, sighing. I moved up and closer to him.

"Do you have food here?" He asked, smiling over at me.

"Yes?" I asked with a question.

"Go freshen up, and I'll make us some breakfast, then we can have that talk. Sound good?" He pushed a stray hair out of my face as I leaned into his touch.

"Okay." I sighed, watching as he stood, putting his shirt and pants back on. Cullen leaned down, kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

Cullen's POV

Waking up with Avery was the best feeling I've had in over a year. Just being next to her, being able to pull her closer to me, feeling her body as she snuggled into me, set my soul at ease. I relaxed in a way I haven't in a very long time. I knew she was eager to talk, and while I was anxious to hear an explanation, my heart wasn't ready to hear anything that would break me. Knowing our conversation was best to keep private and selfishly wanting to keep Avery to myself longer, I opted to make breakfast for us. While my girl showered, I whipped up some eggs and toast.  Fortunately, she had some fresh fruit as well. I plated up her food and fixed a coffee just how she liked it as she entered the kitchen.

"Mmm smells yummy in here! Thank you so much for breakfast." She beamed.

She was casual but, as always, looked amazing, fresh from the shower. Her hair towel dried in the most perfect way. I realized I was staring when she laughed, throwing a grape at me.

"Oh, you're welcome. I hope it tastes okay." I slid into the spot next to her. I ate slowly, sipping my coffee mostly, waiting for her to break the silence. Avery nibbled on her meal, smiling when she realized I had made her coffee just as she liked it. Her face grew somber, though, as she turned to me, clearing her throat.

"So, where to begin?"

She giggled nervously.

"Avery, you don't have to. . ."

"Cullen, I absolutely have to do this. I owe you an explanation and a proper apology." She took my hand, holding it tight with both of hers. I stared at her hand, feeling the energy radiating into mine and through my body at her touch. God, I wanted to grab her and kiss her and forget the last twelve months. Deep down, I knew we had to do this to properly heal and move forward if she wanted to move forward with me. I still worried that perhaps something had developed between her and Liam while they were away. Derrick assured me that wasn't the case, but I couldn't shake that fear until she confirmed it.

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