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I woke up in a pitch-black living room. I had a blanket thrown over me and what felt like a weight laying on my side. I went to move my arm; my hand was still intertwined in Liam's. I gasped, realizing I fell asleep with him. He must have heard my stir; I heard him yawn.

"What time is it?" He spoke softly. I saw his phone light up, and he groaned. "It's 4 a.m."

"Wow. I'm sorry, I did not mean to zonk out like that." I shifted myself up and to face him. He smiled and reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"It's okay. You were comfortable, it was nice. I dozed off too."

I turned to look; of course, Stacia and Derrick were gone, as were all the pillows and blankets from her makeshift couch/bed. I looked at Liam and raised my eyebrows.

"The lovebirds ducked out not long after you fell asleep." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry, you were just sitting here all alone?" I asked quietly.

"I had you, and I watched the movie, though no one will ever know I enjoyed it, right?" He winked at me.

"It'll be our secret." I teased. He ran his hand through his hair. He was so handsome, even sitting in the dark. While I was getting lost just staring at him through the shadows, I could feel his face inching closer to mine; only when I couldn't take it anymore, his lips crashed into mine. His lips felt amazing, and the tingling in my stomach when we kissed again was like nothing else. We kissed until neither one could breathe, and we were forced to pull away. I caught my breath and decided to go for it and went back for more. This time, my lips crashed into his, I could feel him smile through the kiss, and I flicked my tongue inside his mouth, searching for his. It felt amazing; I had to force myself to stop. I pulled away, straightening myself.

"Avery, this has been the best night. I'm so glad you came out with me; I really hope we can do it again." He took my hand in his.

"I would like that, Liam. This has been an amazing night for sure." I smiled up at him. He gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"I should go." He started to get up on his feet. I hated the thought of him leaving, but I knew I didn't want to spend the night with him already.

"Be careful getting home. Will you text me that you made it safe?" I asked, walking with him to the door.

"I will, and yes, I can do that. Thank you for tonight." He pecked my lips again, but that wasn't enough for me. I held him to me, pushing my tongue past his lips, gripping his hair in my hand. We kissed for a few more minutes before we finally had to part, and he left.

I stood by the door, doing a little happy dance. My first actual date, the hottest guy and the best kisser... I was practically squealing. My happy dance was cut short when I looked up to see a naked Derrick walking through to the kitchen. I stood quietly, hoping he wouldn't notice me, but just my luck, he turned the kitchen light on, and it shined into the living room, exposing me.

"Avery!" He jumped. I put a hand over my eyes quickly.

"Derrick... you're naked."

"Yes, I am. Jesus." He placed his hands, trying to cover his parts.

"Maybe you should go put clothes on?" I suggested, standing frozen in place, hand still over my eyes.

"I'm just grabbing water. Sorry!" I heard the fridge close and his footsteps. "I'll let you get the light."

"Yes, that's fine, just go." I laughed. Once I heard the bedroom door close, I shut off the light and made myself comfortable on the floor again. I held my phone waiting for the text from Liam, wondering if I should tell him I just saw his brother naked. Luckily I didn't really see anything, though. I was starting to nod off again when I heard a ding, and my heart sped up as I opened the message.

Liam- I made it home safe and sound. 😊

Me- Good, I'm glad. Thank you again for tonight. 😊

Liam- It was all my pleasure. I can't wait to do it again.

Me- I'm looking forward to it already.

Liam- Good night, Avery. 😊

Me-Good night Liam. 😊

*Just a short little chapter*

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