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Cullen's POV

I was heading to pick Avery up for our monthly double date with Stacia and Derrick; I've been giving Avery her independence as we worked on our relationship. I felt we were in a good place, and I would ask again for her to move in with me. The last two times I asked, she, of course, declined. I grabbed the doorknob, and she didn't have it locked. I shook my head. This woman would be the death of me, worrying nonstop. As I turned the corner into her room, my breath caught in my throat. This seems to happen every time I see her, even after these years together. 

 After scaring her then reminding her to lock the damn doors, I hit the bathroom. Doing my business, I nearly pissed all over the floor when I saw it.  In the trash bin was a pregnancy test box with the test lying on top. I suddenly felt sick, my stomach twisted in knots. I zipped up my fly and bent down to see the test clearer. Positive. The damn test was positive. I washed my hands while trying to calm myself. I felt immediate worry for Avery, for her health, for the baby's safety, and then hurt. Why hadn't she told me she suspected she was pregnant? What hadn't she told me she was going to take a test? I dried my hands then took a deep breath before returning to my girl.

Sitting at the table with everyone, I could hardly focus on what anyone was saying. Derrick kept making jokes and trying to strike up a conversation, but I couldn't stop my brain from swirling with the thoughts of Avery being pregnant. After our meal, walking to the truck, I could tell she was irritated with me.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" She asked, giving me a side-eye as I held the truck door open for her.

"Are you?" I countered.

Once I got into the truck, I couldn't help myself; I turned to her.

"Avery, I saw the test in the trash bin," I exclaimed.

"Cullen, I really have no idea what you're talking about." She answered, looking confused.

I didn't even know how to respond. I was a mixture of nerves, anger, and hurt. So, I drove us back to her apartment in silence. She tried to start a conversation about our weekend plans, but I brushed her off. Once inside, I followed her to her room; before I could speak, she demanded to know what was going on. I couldn't believe this act she was putting on. 

 We went back and forth then the next thing I knew, I felt like the biggest schmuck on the planet. Stacia was pregnant. Of course, she was! Avery wouldn't have gone through that without telling me. As usual, my girl was incredibly understanding of my mistake, and it felt good to hear that she was open to trying for children at some point.

I decided to go for my original plan, asking her about moving in. Of course, she decided to remove her dress in front of me, making it incredibly hard to focus. She was stunning; she only seemed to get more beautiful. I ripped the band-aid off, though, and asked her. She stood as if she was contemplating. I held her body close to me; then I looked up, pleading with her. When she finally said yes, I was over the moon. 

 She had no idea the other plans I had. Hoping like hell, she would say yes, I had Tarran and Millie helping me with a big proposal plan for move-in day. I couldn't wait for it to all play out. For now, though, I was taking my beautiful woman to the bed and making love all night.

Avery's POV

All of my stuff was packed, and the guys had loaded the larger items onto the truck. Derrick and Cullen headed to the house with it. Stacia and I filled my car with anything left. We hugged, cried, and said our goodbyes to our first apartment together. Though Stacia didn't live there long, we had so many memories.

"We're officially grown-ups." Stacia groaned.

"I mean, I think we have been for a few years." I laughed at her.

"Well, whatever.  You know one thing? I'm so glad to be away from these fucking steps."  She teased as we made our way down to the car.

"You and me both!"

I climbed behind the wheel of the car we once shared that I had now purchased from her.

"The house looks amazing, by the way. Cullen has done an amazing job. I may have to hire him to do some work on some houses for me." Stacia spoke as we rode along. She looked down at her phone and seemed upset as she tapped away.

"Everything okay?"  I asked, looking back to the road.

"Uh, yes. I just-I really want ice cream, and Derrick isn't answering. Can we stop?  Please?" She begged.

"Stacia, you're not that pregnant yet to be so demanding." I laughed. But, who was I to turn down ice cream? We pulled into a franchise shop and hopped out. I ordered my favorite of the moment and waited impatiently as Stacia could not seem to make up her mind. After more minutes than necessary, she made her selection then we sat outside enjoying our treat.

"I feel kind of bad we're sitting here eating ice cream while the guys are unloading the heavy stuff." I sighed.

"I'm sure they're fine. Derrick needs more physical work now that he's always in the office, and we all know Cullen is a freak of muscles; it probably isn't phasing him in the slightest."  She sassed. I could only laugh. After serving with the Marines, he kept up a pretty strict workout regime, and he did look amazing.

"So, how are you breaking the news?" I asked, finishing up my little cone of deliciousness.

"Well, I think I'm just going to tell Derrick for now and wait on any bigger announcements until I've had my first appointment and all of that." She spoke softly; I could tell she was trying to be considerate of any feelings I may be having.

"Don't do that.  Don't sugarcoat or hide anything about this pregnancy with me, okay? Promise me? I'm perfectly fine, Stacia, I am. I'm crazy excited for you, and I want to be part of every bit of it."

"I love you, Aves.  I know you'll be an amazing mother someday, and our kids will be the best of friends." She sighed. "Our kids.  Wow." She chucked her napkins in the trash. "Oh, I'm going to get a onesie made that says 'My Daddy has a new client,'" Stacia sang.

I nearly choked, trying to fight the laughter, but I couldn't hide my amusement.

"What?" She growled. Her pregnancy hormones were raging like crazy.

"Stacia! You're kind of implying your kid will need a lawyer. I don't know.  Just doesn't seem the best." I shrugged. She seemed to be processing my words.

"Of course, you're right. Damnit.  I was trying to come up with something clever. I wanted to get it all together and tell him tomorrow night." She grabbed her phone, reading some messages, then jumping up.

"The guys are waiting on us; let's go."

She practically ran to the car. I swear, if this is what I have to look forward to with her for the next nine months, I'm not sure I can keep up.

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