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My body was in immense pain; I could feel something dripping onto me, blood; I believe it was blood. I looked over to see Cullen; he was smashed against the steering wheel, blood coming from his head and hands.

"Cullen?! Cullen?!" I screamed. I tried to move, but I was stuck, smashed in the seat and the dashboard. "Oh my God, Cullen, please answer me." I was sobbing, from the pain, from the fear, and worry.

"Ma'am, we're gonna get you out of there, calm down. Is your friend awake, alert?" An officer leaned down to my window, asking. I shook my head to answer no. Heaving with sobs. 

"Get him first, please, please get him first." I cried. The next few minutes were a blur; paramedics arrived with firefighters and officers. A paramedic attempted to free me from my seat, but I screamed at them to leave me be until Cullen was out. Of course, they didn't listen. They were able to get me out of the car and onto a stretcher, and into a waiting ambulance.

"Please, take care of Cullen; I'm fine." I cried to the medic once inside the ambulance. He patted my arm and told me it would be okay and that the other medics were taking good care of him. I cried the whole ride to the hospital as the medics checked me over and cleaned up some wounds.

Once inside the hospital, it was a chaotic scene. I heard them shouting about a two-vehicle accident, multiple injuries. They shouted orders across the emergency room, and I could hear sirens blaring outside. They got me into a small cubicle of a room where a nurse quickly arrived to assess me. She got my blood pressure, temperature, and all the basic vitals; she held fingers up to my face and shined a light into my eyes.

"Do you hurt anywhere?" She questioned.

"No, no, I don't think so." I mentally went over my body.

"It looks like you have a few cuts and scrapes, but otherwise, you appear good. The Doctor will be in shortly to be more thorough. I'll get started cleaning you up." She smiled a forced smile.

"How is Cullen? The driver of the car I was in." I croaked out; my throat cracked from the sobs.

"I'm not sure; I can check in just a minute, though. Is there anyone you would like me to call?"

"Oh, God... I don't know anyone's numbers; I need my phone." I started crying again.

"The officers usually bring any items they clean up, so maybe they'll bring your bag soon." She shrugged. I nodded, tears streaming down. I was starting to feel aches in my whole body, my legs, and back specifically. I leaned over and laid back on the bed while she wiped and put bandages on my face and arms.

"Jodi Butler Realty." I blurted out. "My friend Stacia works there. Can you contact her?" I realized that would be easy for her to find.

"Of course." She finished up and left me in the room. I closed my eyes and wished, hoped, prayed, and begged for Cullen to be okay. I finally got him home to be with me and for us to be a real couple together and happy. I strained to listen to anything I could hear from the other rooms to hear anything relating to Cullen, but it was oddly quiet. I could feel my stomach churning. I laid there crying on and off for what seemed like hours before Stacia and Derrick came rushing in.

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