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"Mr. Carraway. I need to get your vitals. I'm so sorry to disturb you." She quietly spoke as she began taking Cullen's temperature and blood pressure. Cullen shifted to make it easier on her while still keeping an arm on me as well. "Miss Merrick, you'll need to get back to your room shortly as Doctor Shepherd will be making his rounds." She smiled. I assumed that all of our friends had made sure to let the staff know about us and that we both needed each other desperately. I appreciated the kindness they were showing us.

"Yes, Ma'am. I will go back here shortly." I sleepily spoke. She nodded, finishing up her vitals documentation, then excused herself. I looked up at a Cullen who held me and was staring back at me.

"God, I'm so glad you're okay. I was losing my mind thinking all of the worst possible situations." He spoke softly.

"I was doing the same. The nurses kept giving me medications to make me sleep, and every time I would dream the most amazing dreams and then by the most heart-wrenching dreams. I felt like I was losing my mind." I groaned. "I've felt horrible; I seem to cause trouble wherever I go, here again, look at all this."

Cullen took my chin and lifted it toward him. "Stop. You didn't do anything. It was an accident, a shitty, scary accident. We're okay, though, and we'll get healed up and back to normal before we know it." He pecked my lips, making me feel whole again. The nurse returned and helped get me back in the wheelchair and to my room. Cullen promised to come down to me as soon as he could. We passed his parents in the hall; they wished me well and said they would stop by to visit me later.

When the nurse wheeled me back into my room, Stacia and her Parents were waiting for me. I smiled sheepishly at them, feeling nervous, knowing that they knew that I was pregnant, at least the ladies. A thought that I couldn't quite get my head around. Stacia stepped forward to help me from the chair and up into the bed. She was an amazing best friend; I vowed to make all of this up to her and spoil her as she deserved.

"How are you doing, kiddo?" Brandon asked. I chuckled at him, calling me kiddo.

"I am much better now, thank you. Thank you both for being here; you're both so good to me." I smiled at him. He nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"There's no way we wouldn't be here for you, Avery. I wish you'd get used to it." Tina laughed. She came over, taking my hand then giving me a quick peck on the forehead. "You already look so much better." Stacia stood with her Dad, leaning on his shoulder looking at me lovingly. The Doctor entered the room, and I requested to be alone with him. Right now was my time to ask him everything I needed to know. I was incredibly nervous.

"You're looking great, Miss Merrick. Your color looks wonderful; you look rested. Your vitals are good. I'm pleased. I hope that you can keep some food on your stomach this evening, then perhaps we can see about you getting out of this place." He smiled. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"Yes, actually. My friends informed me this afternoon that they believe I am pregnant." I stuttered out.

"Ah, yes. I apologize for overlooking that. You are indeed expecting. We discovered this during the x-ray, thankfully, though we typically would've tested before performing a CT scan, which of course, in this case, we didn't." He clicked away on his tiny computer. "The attending Ob/Gyn is making rounds and should be in here in just a few actually to give you a quick check; she'll be able to give you more concise information." He smiled before leaving the room.

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