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Cullen's POV

"You got this, baby. One more push, and he'll be out."

I did my best to encourage Avery during the delivery. She was doing fantastic. My girl was strong as hell, and seeing her like this made me fall in love even more if that was possible. Avery's tiny little hand was squeezing into mine with all her strength while holding onto Tina's hand with the other.

"Okay, Avery, let's do this. Chin to your chest and one hard push, then he'll be here." Dr. Rhys smiled up, cheering her on. Before I could say another word, my girl was in position and doing as instructed, and the next thing I knew, I could hear his cries.

"I did it." She cried. "I did it. Is he okay?"

She pulled me toward her; my sweaty-faced wife with tears flowing down her face was never more beautiful to me than in that moment.

"He's great! Mama, we're gonna lay him up here and Dad, let's let you cut that cord so he can get some snuggles in."

As they placed our boy up, I nervously took those golden scissors and clipped the cord where they marked. Once I did so, they wrapped him up and slid him up into Avery's begging arms. All three of us were practically sobbing.

"I'm so proud of you, Avery!" Tina exclaimed. "He looks just like you!!"

I could barely formulate words; I just stood, staring at this miracle that was mine. That I made with my wife. Watching her hold him in her arms, that they both were mine. This was my family. Could one die from happiness overload? If so, I thought I just might.

"Cullen, we did it. We have our boy." My sweet girl cooed, holding onto his perfect little finger.

He had a small amount of dark hair, like his Mom's, and bluish eyes. Stacia said that's normal, and we won't know his actual eye color until a few months from now.

The nurses reached in to take him for weight and other measurements as well as to clean him up. Tina excused herself to tell those waiting while the Dr. finished up with Avery. I held tight to her hand, leaning over and kissing her forehead, then her lips as she reached up for me.

"I love you so much. You're superwoman, babe. Thank you, Thank you for giving us our little miracle." I cried.

"I love you. Go, be with him." She shooed at me. I did as instructed and watched every move the nurses made with him.

Once he was all cleaned up and checked out, they handed him to me.

"Congratulations, Dad."

The nurse smiled.

I felt an immense weight on me as I held him in my arms, my son. I mentally promised I would always be there for him, and we would always love and protect him. I slowly walked back over to Avery. She smiled weakly up at both of us. I knew she had to be exhausted. She was fortunate with short labor, but what a body goes through to produce a tiny human, well, women are fucking rockstars.

Avery's POV

I was utterly exhausted and over the moon happy at the same time. Seeing Cullen stand there with our son in his arms, I've never felt more complete. My heart was absolutely whole, and my Husband was never sexier than at that very moment.

"So, Mommy, what shall we call this little guy?" Cullen spoke softly, sitting on the side of the bed with me. The nurses scurried about cleaning up and clearing out while I rested until time to move to my recovery room. We had several names we had been throwing out, but nothing seemed to stick, or we couldn't agree. The nine months of pregnancy were more manageable than the task of giving him a name to have the rest of his life.

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