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I stretched myself out, feeling my comfortable sheets on my skin. I instantly jumped up because I had remembered falling asleep on the couch. I looked around and realized I was in my bed. I yawned, letting my feet drop over the side. My head was starting to throb again already. I made my way into the bathroom, checking myself out in the mirror. My eye was now black and blue and a little puffy; I groaned in pain as I touched it. Part of me wanted to hide away so no one would see how terrible my face looked, but my stomach betrayed me growling for breakfast.

I checked my phone for the time and saw it was afternoon already! I was shocked, but my shock was replaced with sadness when I saw that Liam had text explaining he wouldn't be able to call until late this evening. It was a short and sweet message, but it tore a piece of my already wounded heart. When I came out of my room, I could smell something cooking. 

I walked into the kitchen, seeing shirtless Cullen cooking at the stove. I cleared my throat as I stepped closer. He looked up at me, smiling. I could tell he had just come from the shower; his body was glistening. I did my best to look away and not stare this time. I noticed he had music playing, Arctic Monkeys, one of my favorites. I smirked at him.

"Good Morning, Beautiful." He smiled. I sucked in a breath at the word beautiful.

"Good Morning to you. Where is everyone?" I nervously tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, chewing on my lip.

"Um, Tuck took Millie to work, and Tarran had to head off to the house for something, and then I believe she was going into work as well."

"So, you're my babysitter?" I teased.

"Unless you want me to go, which of course I will. I was making some brunch for us since we slept in a little."

"We?" I felt myself panic a little at the thought of us sleeping in a bed together.

"Well, you slept in later than I did, obviously. You fell asleep on the couch, and I got you to bed, then I came back out here to sleep myself." He explained knowingly. He motioned to the table for me to sit, and he brought over a glass of orange juice.

"I've got eggs and some toast, is that okay?" He was so kind to me; I wasn't sure what to make of it all.

"Yes, that sounds nice actually, though I need a pain med; my head is throbbing." I stood to get it out of the cabinet as he turned, and I bumped into his gorgeous chest. "I'm... I'm sorry." I tried to hurry around him, but we kept going in the same direction. He laughed, finally getting around me and putting my plate on the table, then coming to join me with his. I popped my medicine and started eating.

We ate in silence; it was a nice simple meal to fill my growling stomach. I helped pick up the dishes and began cleaning in the kitchen. While I did that, Cullen slipped off to get dressed. He came back through and helped pick up blankets in the living room and quietly helped finish in the kitchen.

"Thank you for all your help. You barely know me, and you've been so kind." I sheepishly spoke, sitting on the couch for a moment.

"Well, my Sister seems quite taken with you; I think she sees you as a little sister, maybe? I don't know. If she likes you, then you're good with me. I'm not sure why anyone would be anything but kind to you." He shrugged, looking too good to be true in his dark blue button-down, loose sleeves, and khaki pants with white sneakers. I smiled up at him.

"Do you have plans today?" I asked.

"Nope, Tuck and I were going to venture around town and hang out. Tarran has a list and had wanted me to go over it with you about Thanksgiving tomorrow."

New Beginnings.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin