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I woke up suddenly to the sound of a male voice. Having been shuffled around all my life, I was used to sleeping in different places and always kept alert because you could never be too careful in foster homes. I looked around and saw piles of blankets and pillows where Stacia was, but no Stacia. I got to my feet, nervously looking around the apartment. I could still hear the male voice, so I quietly stood back from the hallway, waiting as I listened to it come closer. I jumped out, kicking just as the male started to go into the living room. I connected with his face, which hurt like hell, and I heard the male shout, followed by Stacia's cries.

"Jesus, Avery! You gave him a bloody nose!" Stacia yelled, holding Derrick's head.

"I'm sorry!! Oh God, I'm sorry!" I ran to the kitchen to get some paper towels.

"It's okay," Derrick squeaked out. Luckily the bleeding was minimal.

"I really am sorry. I just woke up and didn't hear Stacia and kinda freaked out." I tried to explain.

"She's got issues, sorry." Stacia rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey, that's not cool." I pouted at her. I knew she was referencing my time in foster care. She knew about the events in some of the homes before I came to live with her.

"Sorry." She shrugged, holding on to Derrick's nose. He was pushing her away, saying it was okay

"Derrick text me this morning and brought us breakfast." She pointed to the counter where a couple of bags sat. "I was just showing him our tiny little place."

"Oh great, now I feel even worse. Are you okay?" I leaned down at Derrick, who sat on the floor; he actually flinched a little as I got close.

"Don't hurt me again!" He laughed.

"I'm never going to live this down, am I?" I asked Stacia, knowing her too well.

"Never." She smiled smugly at me.

"Here, let me help you up. Have you guys eaten? I'll fix it up for us." I offered. Derrick stood on his own.

"You've got quite the kick there, Avery. I think you girls will be safe here." He followed us into the kitchen, where I started plating up the breakfast he brought. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Definitely not the healthiest of meals but much appreciated as we had not yet gone to the grocery.

"Ugh. Sorry. Gosh, I feel like an idiot." I slid a plate over to him, then one to Stacia before serving myself.

"It's fine, really. My brother will get a good laugh out of this." He shook his head, digging into his food. "I'll have to warn him of your kicking abilities too."

I shook my head at him, scooping up some eggs.

"Derrick is going to show us around today, well, if you want," Stacia said excitedly.

"I'm not sure he will want me to." I laughed, teasing.

"Just keep your legs to yourself, and we'll be good." He winked at me. I was thankful he wasn't holding a grudge. Stacia finished up her food and rushed off to shower and get ready. I let her go on, knowing it would take her much longer than me to prepare for the day.

"Thank you for breakfast, Derrick. That was really kind of you." I cleaned up our breakfast mess.

"You're welcome. Sorry about startling you." He shrugged.

"How about we just forget it happened?" I laughed.

"Forgotten already! Might be from the concussion, though."

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