Chapter 18

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Days passed and another month came to an end. I know this because last night he came to refill the supplies. He came, himself. I kept pretending to sleep and he kept putting the new stock and clearing the old ones. I always thought that some guard came for this but he himself do this. If he cares enough than why he hates me so much. You are delusional Sage, he thinks you are a whore probably that's why he came so that you do not lure his men or in his words drool over them.

I was having my evening coffee and was sitting at my bedroom window looking at the little squirrels playing, though today my mind was trapped in him when I heard a knock and then the sound of the lock opened. It can't be him since the person knocked first. He never knocks. "Signora" I heard Carlos. If he has so much problem with me talking to Carlos why he sent him. I rolled my eyes and got up. I opened the bedroom door and walked into the living room where he was waiting

"Signora Boss wants to see you. Come please." He said with the same smile and same softness. I however, just nodded. I already knew what will happen if I talk to him. But why he wants to see me now. I walked with him but before leaving I stopped. I turned towards the fancy mirror mounted in the corridor opposite of the door. I brushed my hair with my hands and just wiped my face with my palms so that I don't look as tired as I am looking. I saw Carlos smiling at me and I felt embarrassed. "You always look beautiful Signora and Boss, he already knows how beautiful you are" he said and I scoffed internally. See that you look pretty his voice came back to remembering how beautiful he found me.

We came out of the penthouse and to the main house. For the first time I entered passing the living room. We went inside the house. We didn't climb the victorian wooden stairwell like the one going towards the penthouse. We just passed a corridor and Carlos knocked on the first door at the left.  There was one more room at the end of the corridor.

"Come in" came his voice and my breathing became shallow. The fear came back. Wow I didn't even see him and I am sweating in fear.

Carlos opened the door and motioned me to move inside first. I stepped in and he left closing the door behind me.

I looked around and what looks like its is his bedroom. The room was like the whole house has a wooden flooring. It's similar to the bedroom in the penthouse the difference is his room is bigger. Big enough to have a wooden fireplace and a bar cabinet. His bed was bigger. A king size four poster bed. His window was bigger. It didn't have the iron bars like mine but the glass doors that opens into a little patio surrounded by wooden fences. I could see little rustic patio furniture too. His desk was bigger and so was the full length mirror as opposed to my horizontal one in the bathroom.

He was sitting on the leather chair with a drink in his hand "Sit" he said as cold as ever. I sat on the edge of the bed. "Wow so you think you deserve my bed already, that's ambitious." He said in his malicious tone and I got up in a haste "So-sorry" I apologized that I sat in his bed. " the stutter is back." He commented at the fact that I didn't stutter last time but now it's back. It's because now the fear his back.

"Sit" he commanded again and I didn't know what to do. There is nothing apart from the bed where I can sit to which he just said no. I thought he might add something to clear his instructions but he didn't. He was looking at me with his icy cold blue eyes like he will eat me up.

I swallowed realizing what he meant and I bend my knees and knelt in front of him. He smirked. "Not a dumb whore, good to know." He said in his condescending tone as ever and I looked down. Hearing whore from him for the second time hurt just as much as the first.

I felt leather at my chin and I realized he pulled my chin up with his shoe making me look at him. I bite back a sob controlling to not give into my emotions right now. Emotions that seems to appear only when he is around.

"Sage" he said in his husky voice as he trailed his shoe to my cheek and brought it back to my chin. "Being called a whore, breaks your heart, isn't?" He asked and I dropped my eyes scared that my tears will be visible and I didn't want that.

"Look at me Doll" he said using the same nick name he used when he found me in that alley. I looked at him "I heard people talking about your upfront attitude, I heard you had some fire in you, do you? Tell me any fire still left in you?" He asked and I bite back a sob. I shook my head in a no because no fire is left in me. "Good, because Sage always gets burned in fire." He said stating the native American ritual where people used to burn the herb Sage. I looked at him not understanding why has he called me?

"Do you know why you are here?" He asked answering the question I couldn't gather the courage to ask. I shook my head in no. "Because you are my legitimate wife." He said with a smirk and I felt a pang of nervousness as to where he is going with this. He put his foot back and leaned towards me putting his elbows on his knees.

"Don and is family will be here today for dinner. You will cook the dinner and will attend it." He instructed rolling his sleeves. "Wh-whole fam-family?" I asked and his concentration was back at me. "Is there a problem?" He said and his tone clearly has the answer. "N-no" I stuttured quickly. "Wh-what shall I cook?" I asked. "Anything that you don't screw up like the toasts you did your first day here" he said and my eyes widen. How does he know that? He smirked and bend down to my level, his hands trailed a strand of my hair behind my ear "You really think I don't keep a watch on my Doll".

No!!! Was he watching me all this time. He knows everything. My every move, every time I cried, I laughed, what all I said. My breathing was going too erratic on the thought that he knows everything, he has seen me. I started to hyperventilate when his hand on my head brought me back here "Relax, you are thinking too much. Breathe" he said and I breathed. I kept looking at him, why he did this. He already kept me caged, it's not like I was running anywhere. Why he robbed me of my privacy? He saw everything, how will I go back and live in that penthouse now knowing that he is watching me.

"Sage, you are thinking too much. Don't think just obey. You are here just for that. Submit to me." He said and the only emotion I can make out from is the control he trapped me in. His voice, his eyes they had so much control on me right now. "Ye-yes Ma-master"

I said, I don't why but I said. I called him Master for the first time. Maybe because that the realization dawned upon me that what he said is true. A fact that mother, father and this whole Mafia family couldn't taught me he did in just one look. That I am just a puppet. The only thing I saw in his eyes is sheer control. He was relishing in the fact that he owns me. That I am his puppet, in his cage.

He bend down to my ear level and whispered maliciously "I won" he said with a smirk and he did. He did win.

I called him Master. It was never an upfront competition or fight but it was an unsaid game going on. He did notice that I may not be able to speak without stuttering in front of him, and even though I feared him too much I held back myself from calling him Master and being the toy he owned. But today I lost and he didn't even force me. Hell he never even told me upfrontly to call him Master after that, yet somehow he won.

His eyes are still empty and blank but his smirk is saying he knows that I submitted to him and he won. "My toy finally gave up its delusions and accepted its place" he said as his fingers played with my hair. It he used the word it for me. Not she, not her but it. He can't even give my the respect of a living thing. Ironic, that the man whose presence actually stir up any emotions inside of me actually referred me as a lifeless being who is deemed to be void of any emotions. His toy is every sense.

"You can go and start cooking. Carlos will show you everything. Be ready by 7." He said getting up and I got up too. I was leaving the door when he said "look presentable" he added.

In my whole fucking life I never heard so much comments on being ugly. God really. Do I look that bad and Carlos was saying he knows I beautiful.

I nodded and stepped out of room.

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