Chapter 35

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We halted at the gates and Dan helped me out. We reached the foyer and I smiled at the guard who opened the door but he returned my smile with a frown. Wow even the guards are angry at me. Sage, you have fucked up pretty good this time. I wondered where is Carlos.

"See ya Gorgeous" said Dan leaving me in the foyer. "You will not come in?" "No, I need to do something. Shadow needs a job done. I had to leave, but I will see you later" "Oh-Okay" I  said and he left.

Once he stepped out, I heard the click, that locked me once again in his cage.

I walked to our room and a gasp escaped me on seeing him there. He was standing looking outside from the glass doors of the patio.

He turned hearing me and I turned my gaze down. The fear rushed through every vein of my body. I don't know why the man who wants me to be empty of any emotions makes every emotion in me comes to surface with just his presence.

He took steps towards me and I shifted a step backwards "Stop" he stopped my retreat thus ending my vague attempt to escape, even if that escape is of few seconds.

I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek as his palm connected with it with full force. I didn't fell on the ground because he held me from my dislocated elbow. I kept my eyes lowered and bite back a whimper. "How could you do this?" He said and slapped me again.

"How dare you let me down in front of those scoundrels?" He said and slapped me again.

"How dare you went behind my back?" He said as he pushed me by gripping my throat to the closet door. He banged my head on it and blackness surrounded me for a moment "Why did you do this? Why?"

"I-I am so-sorry Ma-mas-master"

"WHY???" He screamed

"If she-she wo-would ha-have gotten preg-pregnant you wo-would have kil-killed her, I-I th-thought if I could keep her fr-from get-getting pregnant I-I could keep her a-alive"

"YOU THOUGHT! YOU THOUGHT! No princess the problem is that you didn't think. You idiot." He said pushing me to the door again making me hiss in pain as my back connected with a jerk.

"You think you kept her alive, tell me Sage if I go kill her right now, how will you keep her alive, huh" he said and my eyes widen in disbelief before I could say something he continued "But when I kill I kill from the front. I do not back stab and you, you fucking stupid girl" he spitted in anger banging the closet door making me shiver. "What are you fifteen, and what is this, your fucking highschool where you go and bitch about and gossip and play shitty pranks to be the popular girl. This is not a joke! Being the Don is not joke and earning that is not a fucking joke. You let me down in front of that pathetic moron Matteo and Don and trust me Sage, if it would have been someone else instead of you, even I don't know what I would done." He said and I have never seen him angrier.

"You will pay for what I lost Sage, don't even for a moment think that I will let this go, for you" he spitted in anger. He pulled me closer by pulling my hair.

"You thought, right? Well now Sage, you are done thinking. You will not make a move without my knowledge. You had the audacity to take the phone from Carlos and plan your stupid schemes." He knows "You think I am an idiot, I won't see what goes under my roof. The cooking meals for the guards, the cupcakes that he brought for me. You think I wouldn't understand who would have helped you" he said. Oh my God did he kill Carlos. "I really didn't think you had it in you. How, huh, how did my obedient toy, went behind my back" he said brushing his knuckles on my cheek. "I really underestimated you, didn't I? But the good thing is I don't make the same mistake twice." "Ahhh!" I screamed as his tightens his hold in my hair. "Now you will be what you are. You will be my toy in every fucking sense. Every moment of yours is mine–your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams are all mine. You will do what I will tell you to do, when I will tell you do and how I will tell you do. Forget about this world, because now you will only live for me. Remember that I am you fucking universe and you are never getting free from me." He said making every word distinctly making it crystal clear.

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