Chapter 5

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"Marcel in?" I asked to the red head sitting on the desk outside Judge Marcel's office. She looked above from her geeky round glasses. Damn she is beautiful. Her white shirt was unbuttoned and her cleavage tempting me to rip off the rest. She had long hair braided to her side and all I can picture is wrapping that braid around my fist. "Whom may I say is asking?" She asked in timid voice, intimidated by me. Not the reaction I am unfamiliar to, I get this a lot. A lot of people are intimidated by me but its not a problem I revel in this, what surprised me though was reaction I am having to her. Its not quickly that I get wooed by looking at some random girl.

"Shadow" I told her staring at her and she quickly picked up the phone and pressed the number for the intercom. After a second without even saying a word she kept the phone down "S-sir Judge Marcel is not in his chambers, right now." she told me keeping the phone. Her hands were trembling like her voice. "Okay" I said and left from there, I turned to see her picking the phone again making me smirk. A voice in me wanted to take her with me, but its better for her if I leave. She seems too young to be defiled by me. I will get someone like her, who can handle me. Concentrate on the job Shadow, I scolded myself getting down the building.

The elevators dinged and out came a fat bald old man in his new Louis Phillipe suit. Pity, such waste of money. His shoes hit the marble floor as he briskly walked towards his ride waiting out the glass doors of this skyscraper. "You should have tried old school, the back exit" I said and he halted in his walk. I whistled and staggered close to him "Going somewhere Marcel?" I whispered in his ears. "Sh-Shadow?" "One and only. You know only an insane person thinks he can dodge his Shadow" I said with an evil smirk came to me in anticipation. "Look you already got Lorenzo out, I sealed the records too" "Did you count the zeroes in your bank account, Marcel, because last I checked when Don transferred the money to you the deal was to rule in favor of Lorenzo" Lorenzo is the concierge and Don's right hand man and Marcel here was supposed to take him out of a jam but instead he failed. Though Don's concierge can't be left to rot in prison hence I and Dan got him out last night. But he did spend one day and that is something that pissed off Don a lot and there is no forgiveness for than "I tried but its was jury's decision, I couldn't do anything" "Pity, you can't do anything today also, because today it's Don's decision"

"You can't do anything here? There are too many cameras, too many people." He said stumbling backwards. I let out an evil chuckle and strolled towards him "Marcel, you want to know a secret?" I said hiding my lips behind my palm "People" I said as I cut off the space between us. "Cameras" I said rotating my fingers towards the ceiling as I took another step. He cannot move back further because his back is already against the wall, both literally and figuratively. I leaned into him "Can't catch Shadow" I said as I stabbed him right at his chest with the knife in my sleeve. He coughed and was about to go down "Not here Judge. Let us take you to your limo, you can bleed out in luxury" Dan came from behind holding him before he falls on the ground. Dan works with me, well with me for me one and the same thing and he is generally present in all my assignments. He is the one who brings the message from Don mostly and when I kill he kind of clears the spot. Though he himself is quite a good shooter, I mean I would know I have trained with him but yet he kind of avoids pulling the trigger himself, but being with me he doesn't need to. Its my job to kill. It has become a routine now. The smell of the air when it is mixed with gunpowder, the blood that oozes out slowly when the tip of the knife touch the flesh, when it spurts around if you twist the knife, all this has become the part of my routine. One gunshot and its over. The life these pathetic humans brag about, it will take less than a millisecond for me to snatch it from them. They think its the most valuable thing but its not. Its not, life is overrated. I can snap my fingers and its gone, how can something so valuable can be so vulnerable.

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