Chapted 28

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I sat on the bed after ironing my dress. I took the chain and was staring at it.

Why I surrender so easily to him. I use to put up so much fight. Why I don't want to fight him, why submitting to him feels easy. He says he loves me, because I am a stuff he owns, a toy and he loves his stuff. I scoffed lightly at how someone can talk like that to another living being. He says I should care about just what he wants. Even the emotions my eyes reflect should be according to his wishes. And right now, he wants to be the Don. What about what I want? What do you want Sage? I want a life. Do I? Anymore. I ran for this desire. Desire to live my life at my wishes and where has it got me. The only person who ever loved me selflessly is suffering right now. Jesus please wake her up.

I locked my ankle in the shackle and turn to him and he was reading his novel "Master" I said and he looked at me and I handed him the key with half a smile and he took it without any reaction.

I laid down thinking he says he owns me. Does he? Can he? I looked at his name tattooed on my ring finger.

"Master?" I said staring at the ceiling.


"If you will marry someone else, will you tattoo your name on her hand too?" I asked looking at him and he kept his book down and looked at me with confusion. I was too. Why you asked this?

His eyes were saying too why I asked this.

"Yeah, no I--I am sorry, I don't know why I asked" I said turning my gaze back to my tattoo.

"No!" he said and I turned to him

"I won't" he said turning his attention back to his book and I smiled. why.

"Why you married me?"

"Because Don wanted that"

"And you? If you were given a choice, you wouldn't have married a whore, runaway slut, right?" I said with a light chuckle still grazing fingers at his name on my hand.

"You want to talk, tonight" he said getting a bit irritated.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, please read" I said with a smile and turned my gaze back to my tattoo.

"Master?" I said after few minutes and he sighed keeping his book down.

"I-I am ready" I blurted looking at the tattoo


"I am ready for....I mean if you want you can have sex with me. I mean I am ready to be the mother of your child" I explained myself and he kept the book down at the bedside chest along with his specs.

"Why are you ready?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Answer me"

"I don't know"

"You dont know?"

I turned my face back to the ceiling. What's with the questions now. He wanted me ready, I said I am ready, now why is he making it difficult.

I felt his hand on my face turning me to him. His hands trailed to my neck and I swallowed. I gave him half a smile to continue. He did continue. I felt him him reach down. I closed my eyes to shut the world around me. To shut him out. I felt him taking off my shorts and I cooperated but didn't open my eyes. I was trying, but I couldn't feel it. I can't be that mechanical.

He slid my panties and I felt his fingers inside me for a moment and then he backed away and my eyes flew open. He covered me with the duvet and got out of the bed.

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