Chapter 1

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Wind was chasing us and we were chasing it. Heading up on the hills tearing amidst the woods, "Che dire Capo, batti il sole anche oggi?" (What say Capo, beat the sun today again?) I said to my horse, Capo and we sped up. Capo and I would head into the hills together every morning. Capo was galloping with the wind, the leaves were rustling making a fierce swishing sound. That's the thing about horseback riding, you always have the best of companionship. You listen to the steady hooves, the gentle tail swishes and snorting of the air. It's beautiful. I patted Capo to speed up. After all we are racing the sun, we ought to be fast. We need to beat it to reach the top of hills before it appears from behind it. It is our routine now since I rescued him around two years ago. I found him injured in the woods, I couldn't find the rider though. Probably he left him there or died though I didn't see any dead body either so I am betting that he hitch-hiked to the city. 

I laughed as my horse neigh loudly halting at hill-top. The moment his front limbs touch the ground the sun rays spread on the sky. "Hahaha Capo, sembra che anche tu abbia l'abitudine di vincere" (Capo looks like you too have a habit of winning) I said patting the back of my horse.

I jumped off him "Come Capo" I said taking it to the stream nearby. He drinks the water and I took off my t-shirt and jumped into the stream for a morning swim. The splash amazed Capo and it looked surprised and I laughed "Got scared Capo?" I said to him and started to swim while he continued drinking.

I stretched my arms in the water letting the calmness engulf me. It's so peaceful. But that was short-lived as I heard my phone ringing. I let out a grunt and came out of water. I took out my phone from the pouch I attached to Capo's saddle and it was Don calling.

"Non puoi respirare in pace, vero Capo?" (You can't breathe in peace, right Capo?) I said irritated and picked the call. "Yes Don" I answered "Shadow, I need you" he said and I disconnected  "C'mon Capo, duty calls" I said patting my horse and jumped on it. "Come my boy" I patted him and we rode towards our home.

I brought my black stallion back to its stable and gave him a bath. I fed him his breakfast and came inside to take a shower. "Carlos" I called for my head security and he came inside in a moment. "I am heading out to see Don, Rosa is inside. She is still sleeping. Take care and call me if anything happens"  I instructed him. Carlos is young but very diligent in his job. He is brave and he is intelligent and the best thing is he is loyal. So I could leave my home at his watch peacefully. Though I live in a secluded place and not everyone apart from my family knows where I live still I need to be careful. I have many enemies and well the world I live in you never know when your family becomes your enemy.

"You got it boss" he said and I took my keys and left the house.

Don threw a photograph on his desk. "He is on the move" he said as I picked the photo. I took a look at the photo "here" Don turned his laptop towards me and a video played on it, where this man who is our soldier was taking to the Russian Mafia. The voices were not audible only the visual was there. It was a five minute meeting that ended with them shaking hands.

I took the photo and got up "Azriel, there is only one day in Matteo's wedding, it will be a big event, I don't want any trouble in it" "You won't" I said leaving his office.

"Dan, it's me" I called my partner "Get me Dante's location" I said over the phone. In a minute I got his location. He is at the airport. A smirk came to me seeing his flight details.

I halted at the airport departures gate. I leaned on my jeep waiting for my prey with my shades on reading the newspaper.

"Going to Russia already?" I said as a grey suited man passes me. He halted and turned and I put the newspaper down.

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